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Deprecated in Course 8.2

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Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
course_enrollment_check ./course.module function Use Course::isEnrolled($account); 3
course_quiz_quiz_result_update modules/course_quiz/course_quiz.module function But there is no alternative. Switch to entity event subscriber when it becomes available in core.
course_unenroll ./course.module function Use Course::unEnroll($account); 2
course_webform_webform_submission_insert modules/course_webform/course_webform.module function But there is no alternative. Switch to entity event subscriber when it becomes available in core. 1
course_webform_webform_submission_update modules/course_webform/course_webform.module function But there is no alternative. Switch to entity event subscriber when it becomes available in core.

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