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protected function CourseObjectAccessControlHandler::checkAccess in Course 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 src/Access/CourseObjectAccessControlHandler.php \Drupal\course\Access\CourseObjectAccessControlHandler::checkAccess()
  2. 3.x src/Access/CourseObjectAccessControlHandler.php \Drupal\course\Access\CourseObjectAccessControlHandler::checkAccess()

Access functionality for course objects.

Possible values for $op are 'see', 'view', 'take'.

"see" means see it in a course outline. For example, a conditional survey should not be seen in the course outline. A quiz at the end of the course, should show up, but the user must not be able to take it.

"view" means view and interact with the object, but nothing would be recorded. For example, accessing a quiz but not being able to submit responses.

"take" means interact with the object in a way that records data.

Overrides EntityAccessControlHandlerBase::checkAccess


src/Access/CourseObjectAccessControlHandler.php, line 33


Access controller for the Course entity.




protected function checkAccess(EntityInterface $entity, $operation, AccountInterface $account) {
  if (!in_array($operation, array(
  ), TRUE)) {

    // This isn't a supported course access operation, so defer to the parent.
    return parent::checkAccess($entity, $operation, $account);
  $access = FALSE;
  if (!$account) {
    $account = Drupal::currentUser();
  if (!$entity
    ->getOption('enabled') || $entity
    ->getOption('hidden')) {

    // Object is disabled or hidden so it should never be visible.
    return AccessResult::forbidden()
  switch ($operation) {
    case 'see':

      // User can see this object in the outline.
      $access = TRUE;
    case 'take':
    case 'view':
      if ($account
        ->isAnonymous()) {

        // Not logged in. Should never be accessible.
        return AccessResult::forbidden()

      // Stock access: check for completion of previous object.
      // Get a copy of the course, so we can run setActive() without changing
      // the global course.
      $course = clone $entity
      $courseObjects = $course

      // Deny object access to non-enrolled users or users who cannot take
      // this course.
      $result = $entity
        ->access('take', $account, TRUE);
      if (!$entity
        ->isEnrolled($account) || $result
        ->isForbidden()) {
        return AccessResult::forbidden()
      else {
        if (reset($courseObjects)
          ->getId() == $entity
          ->getId()) {

          // User is enrolled. Grant access if first object.
          $access = TRUE;
      if (!$course
        ->getPrev()) {

        // There wasn't a previous object.
        $access = TRUE;
      elseif (!$course
        ->isRequired() || $course
        ->isSkippable()) {

        // Previous step was not required, or was skippable.
        $access = TRUE;

        // But we need to see if at least one required step was completed (or the start of the course).
        $objects = array_reverse($course
        $check = FALSE;
        foreach ($objects as $object) {
          if (!$object
            ->getOption('enabled')) {

            // Do not check this object.
            // Note that hidden objects are still counted when doing
            // fulfillment checks.
          if ($check) {
            if ($object
              ->isRequired() && !$object
              ->isSkippable()) {

              // Object is required.
              if (!$object
                ->isComplete()) {

                // Found a required object that was not complete.
                $access = FALSE;
              else {

                // The last required object was completed.
                $access = TRUE;
          if ($object
            ->getId() == $entity
            ->getId()) {

            // We found the object we are trying to check access on.
            // Now we want to go backwards.
            $check = 1;
      elseif ($course
        ->isComplete()) {

        // If last object was complete, and we are on the current object,
        // grant access.
        $access = TRUE;

  // Plugin access.
  // @todo D8 fix

  /* @var $pluginManager CourseObjectAccessPluginManager */
  $pluginManager = Drupal::service('plugin.manager.course.object.access');
  $plugins = $pluginManager
  foreach ($plugins as $key => $plugin) {
    $accessPlugin = $pluginManager

    // Run access check.
    $ret = $accessPlugin
    if ($ret === FALSE) {

      // If previous access was granted, revoke it.
      $access = $ret;
  return $access ? AccessResult::allowed() : AccessResult::forbidden()