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function course_uc_check_cart in Course 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 modules/course_uc/course_uc.module \course_uc_check_cart()
  2. 8.2 modules/course_uc/course_uc.module \course_uc_check_cart()
  3. 7.2 modules/course_uc/course_uc.module \course_uc_check_cart()
  4. 3.x modules/course_uc/course_uc.module \course_uc_check_cart()

Check if a course is already in a user's cart.

Note that we have to check if the user is purchasing the course for someone else.

1 call to course_uc_check_cart()
course_uc_uc_add_to_cart in modules/course_uc/course_uc.module
Implements hook_add_to_cart().


modules/course_uc/course_uc.module, line 287


function course_uc_check_cart($nid, $uid, $data = array()) {
  $cid = uc_cart_get_id();
  $contents = uc_cart_get_contents($cid);
  $uid = isset($data['uid']) ? $data['uid'] : $uid;
  foreach ($contents as $item) {

    // Check if user already has course in their cart, if the user already is
    // purchasing this course for somebody else.
    if ($item->nid == $nid && (!isset($item->data['uid']) || $item->data['uid'] == $uid)) {
      return TRUE;