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function course_signup_course_enrol in Course 6

Implements hook_course_enrol().

If a user is enrolled outside of signup, sign them up as well.


modules/course_signup/course_signup.module, line 195


function course_signup_course_enrol($node, $user, $from, $code, $status) {

  // Check if uc_signup is enabled and this enrollment is from ubercart. If it
  // is, we don't want to sign the user up, because uc_signup will convert the
  // temporary signup and create a duplicate.
  $uc_signup = module_exists('uc_signup') && $from == 'ubercart' && isset($_SESSION['uc_signup']);
  $uc_sid = FALSE;
  if ($uc_signup) {
    $sql = "SELECT ucsl.sid FROM {uc_signup_log} ucsl\n      LEFT JOIN {signup_log} sl USING (sid)\n      WHERE sl.nid = %d AND sl.uid = %d";
    $uc_sid = db_result(db_query($sql, $node->nid, $user->uid));
  if ($from != 'course_signup' && !$uc_sid) {
    course_signup_quick_register($node, $user);