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7 calls to CourseObjectNode::getNode() in Course 8.2

CourseObjectNode::freeze in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Freeze data to persist over cloning/exporting.
CourseObjectNode::getEditUrl in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Get the URL to edit this course object, if any.
CourseObjectNode::getTakeUrl in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Get the URL to take this course object, if any.
CourseObjectNode::getTitle in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Get the object title, or return this object's node's title if the option is set.
CourseObjectNode::getViewUrl in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Get the URL to view this course object, if any.
CourseObjectNode::getWarnings in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Show a warning if this object has an instance, but the node does not exist.
CourseObjectNode::Xaccess in modules/course_content/src/Course/Object/CourseObjectNode.php
Deny access to objects without content.