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function course_commerce_course_access in Course 3.x

Implements hook_course_access().

Block the user from enrolling in a paid course.


modules/course_commerce/course_commerce.module, line 451


function course_commerce_course_access(Course $course, $op, AccountProxy $account) {
  if ($op == 'enroll') {
    if ($course
      ->hasField('commerce_product') && !$course
      ->isEmpty()) {

      /* @var $product Product */
      if ($product = $course
        ->referencedEntities()[0]) {
        $variation = $product
        if (!$product
          ->isEmpty()) {

          // Course has a product.
          if (!course_commerce_check_purchased($course, $account)) {
            return [
              'course_must_purchase' => AccessResult::forbidden('You must checkout to enroll in this course.'),
            return array(
              'course_must_purchase' => array(
                'success' => FALSE,
                'header' => t('Checkout required'),
                'message' => t('You must checkout to enroll in this course.'),
                'weight' => 1000,

          // Now we have to check that even if the course has a price, that the
          // payment object is first (to block enrollments). If the course is $0 and
          // there are no payment objects, we assume the enrollment is blocked.
          $courseObjects = $course
          $first = reset($courseObjects);
          foreach ($courseObjects as $courseObject) {
            $first_object = $courseObject
              ->id() == $first
            $is_payment = $courseObject
              ->getComponent() == 'commerce';
            if ($is_payment && $first_object) {
              $product = course_get_attached($courseObject
              $complete = $courseObject
              if (!$product
                ->isEmpty() && !$complete) {

                // Force purchase.
                if (!$course
                  ->isEnrolled($account)) {
                  return [
                    'course_must_purchase' => AccessResult::forbidden('You must purchase this course.'),