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class CourseObjectBook in Course 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/course_book/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectBook.php \Drupal\course_book\Plugin\course\CourseObject\CourseObjectBook
  2. 3.x modules/course_book/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectBook.php \Drupal\course_book\Plugin\course\CourseObject\CourseObjectBook

Plugin annotation

  id = "book",
  label = "Book",
  handlers = {
    "fulfillment" = "\Drupal\course_book\Plugin\course\CourseObject\CourseObjectBookFulfillment"


Expanded class hierarchy of CourseObjectBook


modules/course_book/src/Plugin/course/CourseObject/CourseObjectBook.php, line 22


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class CourseObjectBook extends CourseObjectNode {

   * Course node context handler callback.
  public static function getNodeInstances($node) {
    if (!empty($node->book['bid'])) {
      return array(
  function getNodeTypes() {
    if (Drupal::currentUser()
      ->hasPermission('administer book outlines')) {
      return array_keys(node_type_get_names());
    else {
      $config = \Drupal::config('book.settings');
      return $config

   * Make the book.
  public function createInstance($node = NULL) {
    $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::create([
      'type' => $this
    $node->book['bid'] = 'new';
  function optionsDefinition() {
    $defaults = parent::optionsDefinition();
    $defaults['node_type'] = \Drupal::config('course_book.settings')
      ->get('default_node_type', 'book');
    $defaults['book_tracking'] = 'all';
    $defaults['outline_list_item_type'] = 'active_tree';
    return $defaults;
  function optionsForm(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $config = $this
    parent::optionsForm($form, $form_state);
    $form['book_tracking'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Completion criteria'),
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => array(
        'one' => t('View any page'),
        'all' => t('View all pages'),
      '#default_value' => $config['book_tracking'],

    // Add a book-specific configuration for course outline list item type, only
    // if the standard course list outline handler is selected.
    if ($this
      ->getString() == 'course') {
      $form['outline_list_item_type'] = array(
        '#title' => t('Course outline list item type'),
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => array(
          'all_pages' => t('All book pages as an expanded, nested list'),
          'active_tree' => t('Only the active book menu tree items, with a count indicator'),
          'count' => t('A count indicator only'),
        '#default_value' => $config['outline_list_item_type'],

   * Grade (track) the book based on the fulfillment data.
  function grade($user) {

    /* @var $book_manager Drupal\book\BookManager */
    $book_manager = \Drupal::service('book.manager');
    $toc = $book_manager
      ->getInstanceId(), \Drupal::config('course_book.settings')
      ->get('depth', 100));
    if (course_book_count($this
      ->getInstanceId()) == 0) {

      // Book has no pages. Complete object.
    if ($this
      ->getOption('book_tracking') == 'all') {
      $nids = array_keys($toc);
      $fulfillment = $this
      $viewed = $fulfillment ? array_keys(array_filter($fulfillment)) : array();
      if (!array_diff($nids, $viewed)) {
    elseif ($this
      ->getOption('book_tracking') == 'one') {

   * Overrides navigation links.
  public function overrideNavigation() {
    $links = parent::overrideNavigation();
    $route_match = Drupal::routeMatch();
    if ($route_match
      ->getRouteName() == 'entity.node.canonical') {
      $node = $route_match

      /* @var $book_outline Drupal\book\BookOutline */
      $book_outline = \Drupal::service('book.outline');
      if (isset($node->book)) {
        $book_link = $node->book;
        if ($prev = $book_outline
          ->prevLink($book_link)) {
          $links['prev'] = \Drupal\Core\Link::createFromRoute(t('Previous'), 'entity.node.canonical', [
            'node' => $prev['nid'],
        if ($next = $book_outline
          ->nextLink($book_link)) {
          $links['next'] = \Drupal\Core\Link::createFromRoute(t('Next'), 'entity.node.canonical', [
            'node' => $next['nid'],
      return $links;

   * Overrides a course outline list item.
  public function overrideOutlineListItem(&$item) {

    // Check that course list outline handler is selected.
    if ($this
      ->getString() == 'course') {
      $type = $this

      // Override the list item by reference.
      course_book_override_outline_list_item($item, $this, $type);
  public function getCloneAbility() {
    return t('%title will only clone the first page.', array(
      '%title' => $this

   * Override of CourseObjectNode::save()
   * We have to remove the stock "view" content access permissions on Books, if
   * node_access_book is enabled. Otherwise, users outside of the course can
   * still access child book pages of a private book parent.
  public function save() {

    // Take care of the parent book page.
    if ($this
      ->hasNodePrivacySupport() && $this
      ->getOption('private') && Drupal::moduleHandler()
      ->moduleExists('node_access_book')) {

      // Remove "view" permissions on all the child pages.
      $flat = array();
      $tree = menu_tree_all_data($this
      _book_flatten_menu($tree, $flat);
      foreach ($flat as $item) {
        $nid = str_replace('node/', '', $item['link_path']);
        $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
        $settings = content_access_get_per_node_settings($node);
        $settings['view'] = array();
        content_access_save_per_node_settings($node, $settings);

        // Resave node to update access.

   * Override of CourseObjectNode::freeze().
   * Do not freeze the parent book ID.
   * course_book_node_insert() stumbles if this is set and we are cloning a
   * book.
  public function freeze() {
    $ice = parent::freeze();
    return $ice;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheContexts protected property Cache contexts.
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheMaxAge protected property Cache max-age.
CacheableDependencyTrait::$cacheTags protected property Cache tags.
CacheableDependencyTrait::setCacheability protected function Sets cacheability; useful for value object constructors.
ContentEntityBase::$activeLangcode protected property Language code identifying the entity active language.
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcode protected property Local cache for the default language code.
ContentEntityBase::$defaultLangcodeKey protected property The default langcode entity key.
ContentEntityBase::$enforceRevisionTranslationAffected protected property Whether the revision translation affected flag has been enforced.
ContentEntityBase::$entityKeys protected property Holds untranslatable entity keys such as the ID, bundle, and revision ID.
ContentEntityBase::$fieldDefinitions protected property Local cache for field definitions.
ContentEntityBase::$fields protected property The array of fields, each being an instance of FieldItemListInterface.
ContentEntityBase::$fieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck protected static property Local cache for fields to skip from the checking for translation changes.
ContentEntityBase::$isDefaultRevision protected property Indicates whether this is the default revision.
ContentEntityBase::$langcodeKey protected property The language entity key.
ContentEntityBase::$languages protected property Local cache for the available language objects.
ContentEntityBase::$loadedRevisionId protected property The loaded revision ID before the new revision was set.
ContentEntityBase::$newRevision protected property Boolean indicating whether a new revision should be created on save.
ContentEntityBase::$revisionTranslationAffectedKey protected property The revision translation affected entity key.
ContentEntityBase::$translatableEntityKeys protected property Holds translatable entity keys such as the label.
ContentEntityBase::$translationInitialize protected property A flag indicating whether a translation object is being initialized.
ContentEntityBase::$translations protected property An array of entity translation metadata.
ContentEntityBase::$validated protected property Whether entity validation was performed.
ContentEntityBase::$validationRequired protected property Whether entity validation is required before saving the entity.
ContentEntityBase::$values protected property The plain data values of the contained fields.
ContentEntityBase::access public function Checks data value access. Overrides EntityBase::access 1
ContentEntityBase::addTranslation public function Adds a new translation to the translatable object. Overrides TranslatableInterface::addTranslation
ContentEntityBase::bundle public function Gets the bundle of the entity. Overrides EntityBase::bundle
ContentEntityBase::bundleFieldDefinitions public static function Provides field definitions for a specific bundle. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::bundleFieldDefinitions 4
ContentEntityBase::clearTranslationCache protected function Clear entity translation object cache to remove stale references.
ContentEntityBase::createDuplicate public function Creates a duplicate of the entity. Overrides EntityBase::createDuplicate 1
ContentEntityBase::get public function Gets a field item list. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::get
ContentEntityBase::getEntityKey protected function Gets the value of the given entity key, if defined. 1
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinition public function Gets the definition of a contained field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFieldDefinition
ContentEntityBase::getFieldDefinitions public function Gets an array of field definitions of all contained fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFieldDefinitions
ContentEntityBase::getFields public function Gets an array of all field item lists. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getFields
ContentEntityBase::getFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck protected function Returns an array of field names to skip in ::hasTranslationChanges. 1
ContentEntityBase::getIterator public function
ContentEntityBase::getLanguages protected function
ContentEntityBase::getLoadedRevisionId public function Gets the loaded Revision ID of the entity. Overrides RevisionableInterface::getLoadedRevisionId
ContentEntityBase::getRevisionId public function Gets the revision identifier of the entity. Overrides RevisionableInterface::getRevisionId
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatableFields public function Gets an array of field item lists for translatable fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::getTranslatableFields
ContentEntityBase::getTranslatedField protected function Gets a translated field.
ContentEntityBase::getTranslation public function Gets a translation of the data. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getTranslation
ContentEntityBase::getTranslationLanguages public function Returns the languages the data is translated to. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getTranslationLanguages
ContentEntityBase::getTranslationStatus public function Returns the translation status. Overrides TranslationStatusInterface::getTranslationStatus
ContentEntityBase::getUntranslated public function Returns the translatable object referring to the original language. Overrides TranslatableInterface::getUntranslated
ContentEntityBase::hasField public function Determines whether the entity has a field with the given name. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::hasField
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslation public function Checks there is a translation for the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface::hasTranslation
ContentEntityBase::hasTranslationChanges public function Determines if the current translation of the entity has unsaved changes. Overrides TranslatableInterface::hasTranslationChanges
ContentEntityBase::id public function Gets the identifier. Overrides EntityBase::id
ContentEntityBase::initializeTranslation protected function Instantiates a translation object for an existing translation.
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultRevision public function Checks if this entity is the default revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface::isDefaultRevision
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultTranslation public function Checks whether the translation is the default one. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isDefaultTranslation
ContentEntityBase::isDefaultTranslationAffectedOnly public function Checks if untranslatable fields should affect only the default translation. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::isDefaultTranslationAffectedOnly
ContentEntityBase::isLatestRevision public function Checks if this entity is the latest revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface::isLatestRevision
ContentEntityBase::isLatestTranslationAffectedRevision public function Checks whether this is the latest revision affecting this translation. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::isLatestTranslationAffectedRevision
ContentEntityBase::isNewRevision public function Determines whether a new revision should be created on save. Overrides RevisionableInterface::isNewRevision
ContentEntityBase::isNewTranslation public function Checks whether the translation is new. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isNewTranslation
ContentEntityBase::isRevisionTranslationAffected public function Checks whether the current translation is affected by the current revision. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::isRevisionTranslationAffected
ContentEntityBase::isRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced public function Checks if the revision translation affected flag value has been enforced. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::isRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced
ContentEntityBase::isTranslatable public function Returns the translation support status. Overrides TranslatableInterface::isTranslatable
ContentEntityBase::isValidationRequired public function Checks whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::isValidationRequired
ContentEntityBase::label public function Gets the label of the entity. Overrides EntityBase::label 2
ContentEntityBase::language public function Gets the language of the entity. Overrides EntityBase::language
ContentEntityBase::onChange public function Reacts to changes to a field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::onChange
ContentEntityBase::postCreate public function Acts on a created entity before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityBase::postCreate
ContentEntityBase::preSaveRevision public function Acts on a revision before it gets saved. Overrides RevisionableInterface::preSaveRevision 2
ContentEntityBase::referencedEntities public function Gets a list of entities referenced by this entity. Overrides EntityBase::referencedEntities 1
ContentEntityBase::removeTranslation public function Removes the translation identified by the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface::removeTranslation
ContentEntityBase::setDefaultLangcode protected function Populates the local cache for the default language code.
ContentEntityBase::setNewRevision public function Enforces an entity to be saved as a new revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface::setNewRevision
ContentEntityBase::setRevisionTranslationAffected public function Marks the current revision translation as affected. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::setRevisionTranslationAffected
ContentEntityBase::setRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced public function Enforces the revision translation affected flag value. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface::setRevisionTranslationAffectedEnforced
ContentEntityBase::setValidationRequired public function Sets whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::setValidationRequired
ContentEntityBase::toArray public function Gets an array of all property values. Overrides EntityBase::toArray
ContentEntityBase::updateFieldLangcodes protected function Updates language for already instantiated fields.
ContentEntityBase::updateLoadedRevisionId public function Updates the loaded Revision ID with the revision ID. Overrides RevisionableInterface::updateLoadedRevisionId
ContentEntityBase::updateOriginalValues public function Updates the original values with the interim changes.
ContentEntityBase::uuid public function Gets the entity UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Overrides EntityBase::uuid
ContentEntityBase::validate public function Validates the currently set values. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface::validate
ContentEntityBase::wasDefaultRevision public function Checks whether the entity object was a default revision when it was saved. Overrides RevisionableInterface::wasDefaultRevision
ContentEntityBase::__clone public function Magic method: Implements a deep clone.
ContentEntityBase::__construct public function Constructs an Entity object. Overrides EntityBase::__construct
ContentEntityBase::__get public function Implements the magic method for getting object properties.
ContentEntityBase::__isset public function Implements the magic method for isset().
ContentEntityBase::__set public function Implements the magic method for setting object properties.
ContentEntityBase::__sleep public function Overrides EntityBase::__sleep
ContentEntityBase::__unset public function Implements the magic method for unset().
CourseHandler::addOptions final public function Merge an array of options onto the existing options.
CourseHandler::getAccessMessages public function Get an array of access messages.
CourseHandler::getId function Handlers must have an ID.
CourseHandler::getOption public function Get an handler option's value.
CourseHandler::optionsMerge private function Merge arrays with replace, not append.
CourseHandler::setAccessMessage public function Set an access message to be displayed along with the course object when it is in the outline. For example, "This activity will open on XYZ" or "Please complete Step 1 to take this activity."
CourseHandler::setOption public function Set an option for this handler.
CourseHandler::setOptions final public function Set this entire handler's options.
CourseObject::$accessMessages protected property
CourseObject::baseFieldDefinitions public static function Provides base field definitions for an entity type. Overrides ContentEntityBase::baseFieldDefinitions
CourseObject::getComponent function Get the object component for this course object.
CourseObject::getComponentName function Get the object component title for this course object.
CourseObject::getCourse function Get the Course that contains this CourseObject.
CourseObject::getEntityType public function Map this object base to the base entity class. Overrides EntityBase::getEntityType
CourseObject::getFulfillment public function Get a user's fulfillment for this course object. If the user has not started this course object, a new, unsaved fulfillment will be return.
CourseObject::getInstanceId function Get the instance ID. This could be the external component ID, a Node ID...
CourseObject::getMaxOccurences public static function Return the number of occurances that can be in a course at the same time. For example, the design of the Certificate module can only have 1 set of mappings per node. The same goes for Course Credit. We may also want a course object that can only be… 2
CourseObject::getOptions public function Get options, with session options, except weight, having precedence. Overrides CourseHandler::getOptions
CourseObject::getReport function Let the course object provide its own reports. 2
CourseObject::getReports function Let the course object provide its own reports. 2
CourseObject::getStatus public function Get the user's status in this course object. 2
CourseObject::getUrl public function Return the URL to the course object router.
CourseObject::hasPolling public function Specify whether fulfillment uses asynchronous polling.
CourseObject::isActive public function
CourseObject::isGraded function Is this object graded? 2
CourseObject::isRequired public function Is this course object required for course completion?
CourseObject::isSkippable public function If this course object is required, can be it skipped?
CourseObject::isTemporary function Checks the temporary status of a course object.
CourseObject::optionFilter private function
CourseObject::poll function Give the course object a chance do asynchronous polling and set completion on demand.
CourseObject::postDelete public static function Acts on deleted entities before the delete hook is invoked. Overrides EntityBase::postDelete
CourseObject::renderOptionsSummary public function Get all course object implementations of getOptionsSummary().
CourseObject::set function Set field in extra data if needed. Overrides ContentEntityBase::set
CourseObject::setComponent function Set the object component for this course object.
CourseObject::setCourse public function Set the Course for this CourseObject.
CourseObject::setDelete public function Mark this object for deletion.
CourseObject::setId function Set the internal course object ID.
CourseObject::setInstanceId function Set this object's instance ID.
CourseObject::take public function Course object entry point for taking. This method should return a value corresponding to the type set in getTakeType(). 4
CourseObject::takeObject final public function Take a course object.
CourseObject::uri public function Generate URI from course object.
CourseObjectBook::createInstance public function Make the book. Overrides CourseObjectNode::createInstance
CourseObjectBook::freeze public function Override of CourseObjectNode::freeze(). Overrides CourseObjectNode::freeze
CourseObjectBook::getCloneAbility public function Returns an translated error message if this object has issues with cloning. Overrides CourseObjectNode::getCloneAbility
CourseObjectBook::getNodeInstances public static function Course node context handler callback. Overrides CourseObjectNode::getNodeInstances
CourseObjectBook::getNodeTypes function Return a list of valid node types. Overrides CourseObjectNode::getNodeTypes
CourseObjectBook::grade function Grade (track) the book based on the fulfillment data.
CourseObjectBook::optionsDefinition function Define configuration elements and their defaults. Overrides CourseObjectNode::optionsDefinition
CourseObjectBook::optionsForm function Default options form for all course objects. Overrides CourseObjectNode::optionsForm
CourseObjectBook::overrideNavigation public function Overrides navigation links. Overrides CourseObject::overrideNavigation
CourseObjectBook::overrideOutlineListItem public function Overrides a course outline list item. Overrides CourseObject::overrideOutlineListItem
CourseObjectBook::save public function Override of CourseObjectNode::save() Overrides CourseObject::save
CourseObjectNode::context public static function Course context handler callback. Overrides CourseObject::context
CourseObjectNode::deleteInstance public function Destroy the node instance. Overrides CourseObject::deleteInstance
CourseObjectNode::getEditUrl public function Get the URL to edit this course object, if any. Overrides CourseObject::getEditUrl
CourseObjectNode::getNode function Get this node object's node.
CourseObjectNode::getOptionsSummary function Make the "Edit instance" link use a dialog. Overrides CourseObject::getOptionsSummary
CourseObjectNode::getTakeType public function Simple node course object behavior is to just redirect to the node. Overrides CourseObject::getTakeType
CourseObjectNode::getTakeUrl public function Get the URL to take this course object, if any. Overrides CourseObject::getTakeUrl
CourseObjectNode::getTitle function Get the object title, or return this object's node's title if the option is set. Overrides CourseObject::getTitle
CourseObjectNode::getViewUrl public function Get the URL to view this course object, if any. Overrides CourseObject::getViewUrl
CourseObjectNode::getWarnings function Show a warning if this object has an instance, but the node does not exist. Overrides CourseHandler::getWarnings
CourseObjectNode::hasNodePrivacySupport public function
CourseObjectNode::optionsSubmit public function Save object configs to cache. Overrides CourseObject::optionsSubmit
CourseObjectNode::optionsValidate public function Validate the options form. Check the node type. Overrides CourseObject::optionsValidate
CourseObjectNode::postSave function On object write, set privacy on this node. Overrides CourseObject::postSave
CourseObjectNode::preSave function Clone a node before saving. Overrides ContentEntityBase::preSave
CourseObjectNode::thaw function Thaw data frozen from an earlier export/clone. Overrides CourseObject::thaw
CourseObjectNode::Xaccess function Deny access to objects without content.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function Aliased as: traitSleep 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
EntityBase::$enforceIsNew protected property Boolean indicating whether the entity should be forced to be new.
EntityBase::$entityTypeId protected property The entity type.
EntityBase::$typedData protected property A typed data object wrapping this entity.
EntityBase::create public static function Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it. Overrides EntityInterface::create
EntityBase::delete public function Deletes an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface::delete 2
EntityBase::enforceIsNew public function Enforces an entity to be new. Overrides EntityInterface::enforceIsNew
EntityBase::entityManager Deprecated protected function Gets the entity manager.
EntityBase::entityTypeBundleInfo protected function Gets the entity type bundle info service.
EntityBase::entityTypeManager protected function Gets the entity type manager.
EntityBase::getCacheContexts public function The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheContexts
EntityBase::getCacheMaxAge public function The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheMaxAge
EntityBase::getCacheTags public function The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait::getCacheTags
EntityBase::getCacheTagsToInvalidate public function Returns the cache tags that should be used to invalidate caches. Overrides EntityInterface::getCacheTagsToInvalidate 2
EntityBase::getConfigDependencyKey public function Gets the key that is used to store configuration dependencies. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyKey
EntityBase::getConfigDependencyName public function Gets the configuration dependency name. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigDependencyName 1
EntityBase::getConfigTarget public function Gets the configuration target identifier for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::getConfigTarget 1
EntityBase::getEntityTypeId public function Gets the ID of the type of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::getEntityTypeId
EntityBase::getListCacheTagsToInvalidate protected function The list cache tags to invalidate for this entity.
EntityBase::getOriginalId public function Gets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface::getOriginalId 1
EntityBase::getTypedData public function Gets a typed data object for this entity object. Overrides EntityInterface::getTypedData
EntityBase::hasLinkTemplate public function Indicates if a link template exists for a given key. Overrides EntityInterface::hasLinkTemplate
EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnDelete protected static function Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon delete. 1
EntityBase::invalidateTagsOnSave protected function Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon save. 1
EntityBase::isNew public function Determines whether the entity is new. Overrides EntityInterface::isNew 2
EntityBase::languageManager protected function Gets the language manager.
EntityBase::link public function Deprecated way of generating a link to the entity. See toLink(). Overrides EntityInterface::link 1
EntityBase::linkTemplates protected function Gets an array link templates. 1
EntityBase::load public static function Loads an entity. Overrides EntityInterface::load
EntityBase::loadMultiple public static function Loads one or more entities. Overrides EntityInterface::loadMultiple
EntityBase::postLoad public static function Acts on loaded entities. Overrides EntityInterface::postLoad 2
EntityBase::preCreate public static function Changes the values of an entity before it is created. Overrides EntityInterface::preCreate 5
EntityBase::preDelete public static function Acts on entities before they are deleted and before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityInterface::preDelete 4
EntityBase::setOriginalId public function Sets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface::setOriginalId 1
EntityBase::toLink public function Generates the HTML for a link to this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::toLink
EntityBase::toUrl public function Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::toUrl 2
EntityBase::uriRelationships public function Gets a list of URI relationships supported by this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::uriRelationships
EntityBase::url public function Gets the public URL for this entity. Overrides EntityInterface::url 2
EntityBase::urlInfo public function Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface::urlInfo 1
EntityBase::urlRouteParameters protected function Gets an array of placeholders for this entity. 2
EntityBase::uuidGenerator protected function Gets the UUID generator.
EntityChangesDetectionTrait::getFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck protected function Returns an array of field names to skip when checking for changes. Aliased as: traitGetFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheableDependency public function 1
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheContexts public function
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::addCacheTags public function
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait::mergeCacheMaxAge public function
SynchronizableEntityTrait::$isSyncing protected property Whether this entity is being created, updated or deleted through a synchronization process.
SynchronizableEntityTrait::isSyncing public function
SynchronizableEntityTrait::setSyncing public function
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_CREATED constant Status code identifying a newly created translation.
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_EXISTING constant Status code identifying an existing translation.
TranslationStatusInterface::TRANSLATION_REMOVED constant Status code identifying a removed translation.