function course_outline_show_complete_links in Course 6
Render a landing page for course completion.
@todo change the name of this function (since it's more than just completion links).
stdClass $course_node A course node.:
Return value
string HTML for the landing page.
1 string reference to 'course_outline_show_complete_links'
- course_menu in ./
course.module - Implements hook_menu().
- includes/, line 522 -
function course_outline_show_complete_links($course_node) {
global $user;
$account = $user;
$report = course_report_load($course_node, $account);
$txt_out = '';
if ($report->complete) {
$txt_out .= '<p>' . t('Thank you for participating in this activity.') . '</p>';
$links = array(
'course' => array(
'Return to course',
'Return to the course to view course details and material.',
// Allow modules to add links to the course completion landing page, such as
// post-course actions.
drupal_alter('course_outline_completion_links', $links, $course_node, $account);
foreach ($links as $link) {
// @todo change the way $links work. Replace the three element array with
// something else. Maybe $element and $value from theme_form_element() if
// we must be this controlling?
// Example:
// @code
// $element = t('A description');
// $value = l($text, $path);
// $links = array('element' => $element, 'value' => $value).
// @endcode
// But why not allow modules to alter the landing page however they want
// (instead of requiring 'links' with this very specific output format)?
$txt_out .= theme('form_element', array(
'#description' => $link[2],
), l($link[0], $link[1]));
else {
$course = course_get_course($course_node, $account);
$objects = $course
$requirements_outstanding = array();
foreach ($objects as $courseObject) {
// Find required course objects the user has not yet completed.
if ($courseObject
->getOption('required') && !$courseObject
->getOption('complete')) {
->getId()] = $courseObject
$items = array();
foreach ($requirements_outstanding as $req) {
$status_css = $req->complete ? 'complete' : 'incomplete';
$status_img = $req->complete ? 'ok' : ($req->required ? 'error' : 'warning');
$status_optional = $status_img == 'warning' ? ' (optional)' : '';
$grade = $req->graded ? ' - Your grade: ' . $req->grade_result . '%, Pass grade: ' . $req->passing_grade . '%' : '';
$items[] = array(
'data' => theme('image', "misc/watchdog-{$status_img}.png", $status_css),
'width' => 20,
$req->title . $status_optional . $grade,
$reqs_txt = theme('table', NULL, $items);
$txt_out .= '<p>' . t('You must complete the remaining requirements to proceed.') . '</p>';
$txt_out .= $reqs_txt . '<div class="homelink"><p>' . l($course_out_return_array['course_outline_link_text'], $course_out_return_array['course_outline_link']) . '</p></div>';
$links = array(
'course' => array(
'Return to course',
'Return to the course to view course details and material.',
// Allow modules to alter remaining requirement links on the course
// completion landing page.
drupal_alter('course_outline_incomplete_links', $links, $course_node, $account);
foreach ($links as $link) {
$txt_out .= theme('form_element', array(
'#description' => $link[2],
), l($link[0], $link[1]));
return $txt_out;