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function course_nodeapi in Course 6

Implements hook_nodeapi().

When a course is saved, handles changes to the course outline and the creation of external courses.

Renders the "take course" button on view.


./course.module, line 795
course.module Core functionality for Courses.


function course_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'view':
      if (course_node_is_course($node)) {

        // Render take course button.
        $show = variable_get('course_take_course_button_show', array());
        if ($teaser && !empty($show['teaser']) || $page && !empty($show['page'])) {
          $node->content['course']['#value'] = course_render_button($node);
    case 'insert':
      if (course_node_is_course($node)) {
        if (!isset($node->course)) {
          $node->course = array();
    case 'update':
      if (course_node_is_course($node)) {
        $record = $node->course;
        $record['nid'] = $node->nid;

        // Support built-in non-cck date fields.
        $builtin_dates = array(

        // Check whether each element has a submitted value, and convert to a
        // Unix timestamp before saving to the database.
        foreach ($builtin_dates as $element) {
          if (!empty($node->course[$element])) {
            $record[$element] = !empty($node->validated) ? strtotime($node->course[$element]) : $node->course[$element];

        // Add configurable dates to the node object for easy retrieval.
        // Support both configurable cck and built-in non-cck date fields.
        $cck_dates = array(
          'open' => 'course_start_date_' . $node->type,
          'close' => 'course_expiration_date_' . $node->type,
          'live_from_date' => 'course_live_from_date_' . $node->type,
          'live_to_date' => 'course_live_to_date_' . $node->type,

        // Check whether each variable is set and the field exists on the
        // content type. If so, load that field's value to the course object,
        // overriding the coresponding column from the database.
        foreach ($cck_dates as $key => $variable) {
          $settings = @unserialize(variable_get($variable, array()));
          $field_exists = module_exists('content') && isset($settings['field']) && content_fields($settings['field'], $node->type) != FALSE;
          if ($field_exists) {
            $value = $node->{$settings['field']}[0][$settings['value']];
            if (!empty($value)) {
              $date = new DateTime("{$value} UTC");
              $value = $date
            $record[$key] = $value;
        $existing = db_result(db_query('SELECT 1 FROM {course_node} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid));
        $update = $existing ? array(
        ) : array();
        drupal_write_record('course_node', $record, $update);

        // Support cloning.

        // Save the course objects - necessary for programmatic course creation.
        if (isset($node->course['objects'])) {
          $course = course_get_course($node);
          course_save_objects($node->course['objects'], $course);
    case 'load':
      if (course_node_is_course($node)) {
        if ($course = db_fetch_array(db_query('SELECT * FROM {course_node} WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid))) {

          // Attach additional module provided info to $node->course.
          $hooks = module_invoke_all('course_nodeapi_extra', $node, 'load');
          $load = array_merge($course, $hooks);
          foreach ($load as $key => $data) {
            $node->course[$key] = $data;

        // Load the course outline to the node.
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {course_outline}\n          WHERE nid = %d\n          ORDER BY weight ASC";
        $result = db_query($sql, $node->nid);
        $objects = array();
        while ($object = db_fetch_object($result)) {
          foreach ($object as $key => $value) {
            $objects[$object->coid]->{$key} = $value;
        $node->course['objects'] = $objects;
    case 'delete':
      if (course_node_is_course($node)) {

        // Clean up course specific settings and enrollments when a course is
        // deleted.
        db_query("DELETE FROM {course_node} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);
        db_query("DELETE FROM {course_enrolment} WHERE nid = %d", $node->nid);