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interface CourierManagerInterface in Courier 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x src/Service/CourierManagerInterface.php \Drupal\courier\Service\CourierManagerInterface

Interface for Courier manager.

Handles template collections.


Expanded class hierarchy of CourierManagerInterface

All classes that implement CourierManagerInterface

3 files declare their use of CourierManagerInterface
MessageForm.php in courier_message_composer/src/Form/MessageForm.php
Settings.php in courier_system/src/Form/Settings.php
TemplateEditForm.php in src/Form/TemplateEditForm.php


src/Service/CourierManagerInterface.php, line 18
Contains \Drupal\courier\Service\CourierManagerInterface.


View source
interface CourierManagerInterface {

   * Adds all available channel types to the template collection.
   * Does not replace templates for existing channel types.
   * @param \Drupal\courier\TemplateCollectionInterface $template_collection
   *   A template collection entity.
  public function addTemplates(TemplateCollectionInterface &$template_collection);

   * Prepares messages for an identity and and queues them for transmission.
   * Once this method is executed, responsibility for transmission is passed
   * to Courier.
   * @param \Drupal\courier\TemplateCollectionInterface $template_collection
   *   A template collection entity.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $identity
   *   An identity entity.
   * @param array $options
   *   Optional options to pass to the channel.
   *   If the 'channels' key is specified, this will find a sub array with the
   *   key of the channel being transmitted to, and merge it into the base
   *   base array. The channels key will then be unset.
   *   e.g: Sending to the courier_email channel:
   * @code
   *   $options = [
   *     'my_option' => 123,
   *     'channels' => [
   *       'courier_email' => ['foo' => 456],
   *       'sms' => ['bar' => 679],
   *     ],
   *   ];
   *   // Will transform options into this array when sending to courier_email:
   *   $options = [
   *     'my_option' => 123,
   *     'foo' => 456,
   *   ];
   * @endcode
   * @return \Drupal\courier\MessageQueueItemInterface|FALSE
   *   A message queue item entity, or FALSE if no messages could be generated.
  public function sendMessage(TemplateCollectionInterface $template_collection, EntityInterface $identity, array $options = []);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CourierManagerInterface::addTemplates public function Adds all available channel types to the template collection. 1
CourierManagerInterface::sendMessage public function Prepares messages for an identity and and queues them for transmission. 1