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function countries_api_get_array in Country codes API 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 countries_api.module \countries_api_get_array()

Function to return an associative array of countries with key/values based on args Can be used to get results for FAPI form options.


$key_format: The format of the key (a value from countries_api_formats)

$value_format: The format of teh value (a value from countries_api_formats)

Return value

array An associative array based on arguments

2 calls to countries_api_get_array()
CountriesAPITestCase::test_countries_api_get_array in tests/countries_api.test
Function to test countries_api_get_array() results
countries_api_get_options_array in ./countries_api.module
Function for returning an associative array useful for FAPI select elements


./countries_api.module, line 241
Countries API provides an API for official and up-to-date ISO 3166 country codes (alpha-2 and alpha-3) and names (official short names).


function countries_api_get_array($key_format = COUNTRIES_API_FORMAT_ISO2, $value_format = COUNTRIES_API_FORMAT_PRINTABLE_NAME) {
  if (!countries_api_validate_format($key_format) || !countries_api_validate_format($value_format)) {
    return FALSE;
  $rows = array();
  foreach (countries_api_get_list() as $country) {
    $rows[$country[$key_format]] = $country[$value_format];
  return $rows;