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19 calls to country_property() in Countries 8

CountriesBaseSetupTest::assertCountryListed in tests/countries.test
CountriesCRUDUIUnitTest::testISO2Conflict in tests/countries.test
Special case where the ISO matches an existing ISO code.
CountriesFunctionsUnitTest::testCountriesPropertyLookup in tests/countries.test
This test that the country property lookup is working.
countries_admin_form_validate in ./
Validate country form submissions.
countries_admin_overview in ./
Menu callback; Displays a list of all countries.
countries_apachesolr_display_callback in ./countries.module
Returns the country name to be used in the facet.
countries_apachesolr_map_callback in ./countries.module
Map callback.
countries_field_diff_view in ./
Diff field callback for parsing country field comparative values.
countries_field_formatter_view in ./
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
countries_field_prepare_view in ./
Implements hook_field_prepare_view().
countries_get_countries in ./countries.module
Helper function to load countries. This includes all countries by default.
countries_get_properties in ./countries.module
Callback for getting extra country properties.
countries_import_bulk_import_form_submit in modules/countries_import/
countries_tokens in ./
Implements hook_tokens().
country_duplicate_field_check in ./
Helper function to check for duplicates.
theme_country_icon_adapter in ./countries.module
Theming function for the Country Icon (country_icon) country field formatter.
views_handler_argument_countries_country::title_query in views/
Override the behavior of title_query() based on the user selected options.
views_handler_field_countries::render in views/
Render a translated country name.
_countries_import_bulk_import_selection_form in modules/countries_import/