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9 uses of COUNTRIES_ENABLED in Countries 8

countries_countries_alter in ./countries.module
Implements hook_countries_alter().
countries_example in modules/countries_example/countries_example.module
Menu callback; example countries form.
countries_field_info in ./
Implements hook_field_info().
countries_filter in ./countries.module
A helper function to filter country lists.
countries_filter_options_form in ./
Wrapper for the filter form options that are shared with other fields.
countries_update_7200 in ./countries.install
Convert fields into option module select lists.
views_handler_filter_countries_list::option_definition in views/
_countries_country_expand in ./
Our process callback to expand the country FAPI element.
_countries_feeds_set_target in ./
Callback defined via countries_feeds_processor_targets_alter().