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function copyright_block_block_view in Copyright Block module 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 copyright_block.module \copyright_block_block_view()

Implements hook_block_view().

Renders a HTML-span containing the copyright information.


./copyright_block.module, line 26
Module file for "Copyright block".


function copyright_block_block_view($delta = '') {
  $block = array();
  switch ($delta) {
    case 'copyright':

      // Check if an inception year is given.
      $year = variable_get('copyright_block_inceptionyear');
      $currentYear = date('Y', REQUEST_TIME);
      if ($year) {

        // Show something like 2003 - 2011, if not current year.
        if ($year != $currentYear) {

          // Load the template for displaying spacer between the copyright year.
          $spacer = variable_get('copyright_block_spacertemplate');
          if (!$spacer) {

            // No template set, set default fallback.
            $spacer = ' - ';
          else {

            // Assure that we don't put out unescaped HTML.
            $spacer = check_plain($spacer);
          $year .= $spacer . $currentYear;
      else {

        // Show only the current year.
        $year = $currentYear;

      // Check if there is a name for the copyright holder.
      $holder = variable_get('copyright_block_copyrightholder');
      if (!$holder) {

        // No holder given, default to site name.
        $holder = variable_get('site_name', '');

      // Load the template for displaying the copyright.
      $template = variable_get('copyright_block_template');
      if (!$template) {

        // No template set, set default fallback.
        $template = '[holder] [year]';
      else {

        // Assure that we don't put out unescaped HTML.
        $template = check_plain($template);

      // Replace the placeholders in the template to calculate the output text.
      $copyright_text = str_replace('[holder]', check_plain($holder), str_replace('[year]', $year, $template));

      // Create the block.
      $block['subject'] = t('Copyright');
      $block['content'] = '<span class="copyright">&copy; ' . $copyright_text . '</span>';
  return $block;