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function contextual_view_modes_help in Contextual View Modes 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 contextual_view_modes.module \contextual_view_modes_help()

Implements hook_help().


./contextual_view_modes.module, line 12
@author - sherakama


function contextual_view_modes_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#contextual_view_modes':
      $help = '<p>' . t('Please submit help requests and issues to the !link.', array(
        '!link' => l(" issue queue", ''),
      )) . '</p>';
      $help .= "<h2>" . t("Global entity contextual view mode form") . "</h2>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("The global entity configuration form can be found !here.", array(
        "!here" => l("here", 'admin/structure/cvm'),
      )) . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("To use this form follow these steps:") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("Create a context. You will need a context with atleast one condition available to evaluate against. For example: you can create a context with a condition for where the user role is anoymous.") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("Expand entity type to reveal configuration options. For example, if you click on node the field will expand to show you the options available.") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("Select type. Choose the context type or bundle type you want to change the view mode of. For example, under nodes you can select article.") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("Select context. Choose a context from the drop down select options. For example, if you created an anonymous user context, the name of that context should appear in the drop down.") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      $help .= "<p>" . t("") . "</p>";
      return $help;