class context_layouts_reaction_block in Context 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.3 context_layouts/plugins/ \context_layouts_reaction_block
- 7.3 context_layouts/plugins/ \context_layouts_reaction_block
- class \context_reaction
- class \context_reaction_block
Expanded class hierarchy of context_layouts_reaction_block
2 string references to 'context_layouts_reaction_block'
- context_layouts_context_plugins in context_layouts/
context_layouts.module - Implementation of hook_context_plugins(). This is a ctools plugins hook.
- context_layouts_context_registry_alter in context_layouts/
context_layouts.module - Implementation of hook_context_registry_alter().
- context_layouts/
plugins/, line 3
View source
class context_layouts_reaction_block extends context_reaction_block {
* Override of is_enabled_region().
* Check that there is an active layout and it supports the given region.
protected function is_enabled_region($region) {
$layout = $this
if ($layout && isset($layout['regions']) && is_array($layout['regions'])) {
return in_array($region, $layout['regions'], TRUE) && parent::is_enabled_region($region);
return parent::is_enabled_region($region);
* Retrieve the first layout specified found by any active contexts.
function get_active_layout($info = TRUE) {
$contexts = $this
$layouts = context_layouts_get_layouts();
if (!empty($contexts) && !empty($layouts)) {
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
$values = $this
if (isset($values['layout']) && isset($layouts[$values['layout']])) {
return $info ? $layouts[$values['layout']] : $values['layout'];
// Fallback to default layout if provided.
if (isset($layouts['default'])) {
return $info ? $layouts['default'] : 'default';
return FALSE;
* Add the layout template to page vars.
function add_layout_template(&$vars) {
if ($layout = $this
->get_active_layout()) {
if (!empty($layout['template'])) {
$vars['template_files'][] = $layout['template'];
* Add the layout stylesheet to the CSS.
function add_layout_stylesheet() {
if ($layout = $this
->get_active_layout()) {
if (!empty($layout['stylesheet'])) {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('theme', $layout['theme']) . '/' . $layout['stylesheet']);
* Override of editor form.
function editor_form($context) {
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'context_layouts') . '/plugins/context_layouts_reaction_block.css');
$form = parent::editor_form($context);
if ($layouts = $this
->get_layout_options()) {
$options = $this
$form['layout'] = array(
// #tree *must* be true for our values to be nested correctly.
'#tree' => TRUE,
'#prefix' => '<div class="context-editor-block-layouts">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#weight' => -100,
'layout' => array(
'#title' => t('Layout'),
'#options' => $layouts,
'#type' => 'select',
'#weight' => -100,
'#default_value' => isset($options['layout']) ? $options['layout'] : NULL,
'update' => array(
'#value' => t('Change layout'),
'#type' => 'submit',
return $form;
* Override of editor form submit.
function editor_form_submit(&$context, $values) {
// Someone has changed the layout, assume that the block values are not actually usable here.
if (isset($context->reactions['block']['layout']) && $context->reactions['block']['layout'] != $values['layout']['layout']) {
$options = $context->reactions['block'];
else {
$options = parent::editor_form_submit($context, $values);
if (!empty($values['layout']['layout'])) {
$options['layout'] = $values['layout']['layout'];
else {
return $options;
* Override of options form.
function options_form($context) {
$form = parent::options_form($context);
$options = $this
// Only alter the options form if the theme provides layouts.
$theme_key = variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');
$layouts = $this
if (!empty($layouts)) {
$form['layout'] = array(
'#title' => t('Layout'),
'#description' => t('Choose one of the layouts provided by the default theme.'),
'#options' => $layouts,
'#type' => 'select',
'#weight' => -100,
'#default_value' => $options['layout'] ? $options['layout'] : NULL,
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => 'context-blockform-layout',
// Add js.
// @TODO: Move this to a theme function or somewhere that will get called even
// if the form is using a cached version of itself (e.g. when validate fails).
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'context_layouts') . '/plugins/context_layouts_reaction_block.js');
'contextLayouts' => array(
'layouts' => $this
), 'setting');
return $form;
* Override of submit handler.
function options_form_submit($values) {
$options = parent::options_form_submit($values);
// Only alter the options form if the theme provides layouts.
$theme_key = variable_get('theme_default', 'garland');
$layouts = context_layouts_get_layouts($theme_key);
// Check that this is a valid layout.
if (!empty($values['layout']) && isset($layouts[$values['layout']])) {
$layout = $values['layout'];
$options['layout'] = $layout;
// Remove blocks that don't belong to regions in this layout.
if (isset($layouts[$layout]['regions'])) {
foreach ($options['blocks'] as $bid => $block) {
if (!in_array($block['region'], $layouts[$layout]['regions'])) {
return $options;
* Get layout options for the given theme.
protected function get_layout_options($theme_key = NULL) {
$theme_key = !isset($theme_key) ? variable_get('theme_default', 'garland') : $theme_key;
$layouts = context_layouts_get_layouts($theme_key);
$layout_options = array();
if (!empty($layouts)) {
$layout_options[0] = '<' . t('Site default') . '>';
foreach ($layouts as $layout => $info) {
$layout_options[$layout] = isset($info['name']) ? $info['name'] : $layout_options;
return $layout_options;
* Get a layout to region map for the given theme.
protected function get_layout_regions($theme_key = NULL) {
$theme_key = !isset($theme_key) ? variable_get('theme_default', 'garland') : $theme_key;
$layouts = context_layouts_get_layouts($theme_key);
if (!empty($layouts)) {
$layout_regions = array();
foreach ($layouts as $layout => $info) {
$layout_regions[$layout] = is_array($info['regions']) ? $info['regions'] : array();
return $layout_regions;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function | Add the layout stylesheet to the CSS. | ||
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function | Add the layout template to page vars. | ||
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function |
Override of editor form. Overrides context_reaction_block:: |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function |
Override of editor form submit. Overrides context_reaction_block:: |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function | Retrieve the first layout specified found by any active contexts. | ||
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Get layout options for the given theme. | |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Get a layout to region map for the given theme. | |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
protected | function |
Override of is_enabled_region().
Check that there is an active layout and it supports the given region. Overrides context_reaction_block:: |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function |
Override of options form. Overrides context_reaction_block:: |
context_layouts_reaction_block:: |
function |
Override of submit handler. Overrides context_reaction_block:: |
context_reaction:: |
property | |||
context_reaction:: |
property | |||
context_reaction:: |
property | |||
context_reaction:: |
function | Retrieve options from the context provided. | ||
context_reaction:: |
function | Retrieve active contexts that have values for this reaction. | ||
context_reaction:: |
function | Clone our references when we're being cloned. | ||
context_reaction:: |
function | Constructor. Do not override. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
function | An alternative version of block_list() that provides any context enabled blocks. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
static | function | Sort callback. | |
context_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Build a block's content. Largely taken from block_list(). | |
context_reaction_block:: |
function | Execute. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
function | Helper function to generate a list of blocks from a specified region. If provided a context object, will generate a full list of blocks for that region distinguishing between system blocks and context-provided blocks. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Determine whether inline editing requirements are met and that the current user may edit. | |
context_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Compatibility wrapper around json_decode(). | |
context_reaction_block:: |
protected | function | Generate the safe weight range for a block being added to a region such that there are enough potential unique weights to support all blocks. | |
context_reaction_block:: |
function | Check or set whether a rebuild of the block info cache is needed. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
function | Block renderer for AJAX requests. Triggered when $_GET['context_block'] is set. See ->execute() for how this is called. | ||
context_reaction_block:: |
function |
Settings form for variables. Overrides context_reaction:: |
context_reaction_block:: |
static | function | From with modifications for consistency with output of json_decode(). |