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function context_preprocess_menu_link in Context 7.3

Implementation of hook_preprocess_menu_link().

This allows menus that are not primary/secondary menus to get the "active" class assigned to them. This assumes they are using theme('menu_link') for the menu rendering to html.


./context.module, line 194


function context_preprocess_menu_link(&$variables) {
  if ($contexts = context_active_contexts()) {
    foreach ($contexts as $context) {
      if (isset($context->reactions['menu'])) {

        // In context module < v3.2 the url was a string. In version 3.3+ this is
        // an array of urls. Implement interims BC layer.
        // Examples:
        // - OLD < v3.2 context reaction structure:
        // array('menu' => 'taxonomy/term/1')
        // - NEW 3.3+ context reaction structure:
        // array(
        //   'menu' => array(
        //     0 => 'navigation:taxonomy/term/1'
        //     1 => 'foo-menu:taxonomy/term/1'
        //   )
        // )
        $reactions_menu = is_array($context->reactions['menu']) ? array_values($context->reactions['menu']) : array(

        // Get everything after the first ':' character (if found) as the url to
        // match against element '#href'.
        $urls = array();
        foreach ($reactions_menu as $url) {
          if (strpos($url, ':') !== FALSE) {

            // Get unique menu name 'navigation' from 'navigation:taxonomy/term/1'
            $reaction_menu = explode(':', $url);
            $path = $reaction_menu[1];
            $urls[$path] = $reaction_menu[0];
          else {

            // BC layer for menu contexts that have not re-saved. This is for
            // urls like 'taxonomy/term/1'. We need to add a fake menu key
            // 'bc-context-menu-layer' or the BC link get's removed by
            // array_intersect below.
            // @TODO: Remove BC layer in 4.x
            $urls[$url] = 'context-reaction-menu-bc-layer';

        // Filter urls by the menu name of the current link. The link reaction
        // can be configured per menu link in specific menus and the contect
        // reaction should not applied to other menus with the same menu link.
        $menu_name = $variables['element']['#original_link']['menu_name'];
        $menu_paths = array_intersect($urls, array(
        $reaction_menu_paths = array_keys($menu_paths);

        // - If menu href and context reaction menu url match, add the 'active'
        //   css class to the link of this menu.
        // - Do not add class twice on current page.
        if (in_array($variables['element']['#href'], $reaction_menu_paths) && $variables['element']['#href'] != $_GET['q']) {

          // Initialize classes array if not set.
          if (!isset($variables['element']['#localized_options']['attributes']['class'])) {
            $variables['element']['#localized_options']['attributes']['class'] = array();

          // Do not add the 'active' class twice in views tabs.
          if (!in_array('active', $variables['element']['#localized_options']['attributes']['class'])) {
            $variables['element']['#localized_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'active';