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function context_load in Context 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 context.module \context_load()

Context loader.


$name: The name for this context object.

Return value

Returns a fully-loaded context definition.

4 calls to context_load()
context_condition::get_contexts in plugins/
Retrieve all contexts with the condition value provided.
context_context_list in ./context.module
CTools list callback for bulk export.
context_enabled_contexts in ./context.module
Wrapper around context_load() that only returns enabled contexts.
context_save in ./context.module
Inserts or updates a context object into the database. @TODO: should probably return the new cid on success -- make sure this doesn't break any checks elsewhere.


./context.module, line 191


function context_load($name = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $contexts;
  static $altered;
  if (!isset($contexts) || $reset) {
    $contexts = $altered = array();
    if (!$reset && ($contexts = context_cache_get('context'))) {

      // Nothing here.
    else {
      if ($reset) {
      $contexts = ctools_export_load_object('context', 'all');
      context_cache_set('context', $contexts);
  if (isset($name)) {

    // Allow other modules to alter the value just before it's returned.
    if (isset($contexts[$name]) && !isset($altered[$name])) {
      $altered[$name] = TRUE;
      drupal_alter('context_load', $contexts[$name]);
    return isset($contexts[$name]) ? $contexts[$name] : FALSE;
  return $contexts;