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function content_taxonomy_views_views_arguments in Content Taxonomy 5

Implementation of hook_views_arguments()


./content_taxonomy_views.module, line 121
Views Support for content_taxonomy


function content_taxonomy_views_views_arguments() {
  $arguments = array();
  $fields = content_fields();
  foreach ($fields as $field) {
    if ($field['type'] == 'content_taxonomy' && $field['save'] != 'tag') {
      $arguments += array(
        'taxid_' . $field['field_name'] => array(
          'name' => 'Content Taxonomy Field: Term ID: ' . $field['field_name'],
          'handler' => 'content_taxonomy_views_argument_handler_taxid',
          'option' => 'string',
          'help' => t('The argument will filter by a taxonomy term ID. For this argument, set the option to the depth to search. (Does not support summary, sort and link)'),
        'taxletter_' . $field['field_name'] => array(
          'name' => 'Content Taxonomy Field: Term Name: ' . $field['field_name'],
          'handler' => 'content_taxonomy_views_argument_handler_taxletter',
          'option' => 'string',
          'help' => t('The argument will filter by a taxonomy term name. For this argument, set the option to the depth to search. (Does not support summary, sort and link)'),
  return $arguments;