function content_taxonomy_options_array in Content Taxonomy 5
Helper function to create a tree of options
1 call to content_taxonomy_options_array()
- content_taxonomy_options_widget in ./
content_taxonomy_options.module - Implementation of hook_widget().
- ./
content_taxonomy_options.module, line 176 - Defines a widget type for content_taxonomy for options
function content_taxonomy_options_array($vid, $parent = NULL, $depth = 0, $blank_field = TRUE, $show_depth = FALSE) {
$options = array();
if ($depth == 1) {
$tree = taxonomy_get_children($parent, $vid);
else {
$tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $parent, -1, $depth);
if ($blank_field) {
$options[0] = '---';
if ($tree) {
foreach ($tree as $term) {
if ($show_depth) {
$value = str_repeat('- ', $term->depth) . $term->name;
else {
$value = $term->name;
$options[$term->tid] = $value;
return $options;