function content_taxonomy_allowed_values in Content Taxonomy 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.2 content_taxonomy.module \content_taxonomy_allowed_values()
- 6 content_taxonomy.module \content_taxonomy_allowed_values()
Returns the set of valid terms for a taxonomy field. Extends taxonomy_allowed_values() with the tree depth option.
$field: The field definition.
Return value
The array of valid terms for this field, keyed by term id.
2 string references to 'content_taxonomy_allowed_values'
- content_taxonomy_disable in ./
content_taxonomy.install - Implements hook_disable().
- content_taxonomy_field_info_alter in ./
content_taxonomy.module - Implements hook_field_info_alter().
- ./
content_taxonomy.module, line 76
function content_taxonomy_allowed_values($field) {
$options = array();
foreach ($field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $tree) {
if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($tree['vocabulary'])) {
$max_depth = isset($tree['depth']) && !empty($tree['depth']) ? $tree['depth'] : NULL;
$terms = content_taxonomy_get_terms($field, $vocabulary, $tree['parent'], $max_depth);
if (!empty($terms) && is_array($terms)) {
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$options[$term->tid] = str_repeat('- ', $term->depth) . $term->name;
return $options;