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function content_profile_page_edit in Content Profile 6

Presents a node editing or adding form for the given content profile.

2 string references to 'content_profile_page_edit'
content_profile_menu in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
content_profile_menu_alter in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu_alter(). Take over menu items generated by the user module for our categories.


./content_profile.module, line 96


function content_profile_page_edit($type, $account) {
  $node = content_profile_load($type, $account->uid);
  if (!$node) {
    $node = array(
      'uid' => $account->uid,
      'name' => isset($account->name) ? $account->name : '',
      'type' => $type,
      'language' => '',
  return drupal_get_form($type . '_node_form', $node);