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function content_profile_page_access in Content Profile 6

2 string references to 'content_profile_page_access'
content_profile_menu in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
content_profile_menu_alter in ./content_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu_alter(). Take over menu items generated by the user module for our categories.


./content_profile.module, line 80


function content_profile_page_access($type, $account) {
  if ($node = content_profile_load($type, $account->uid)) {
    return node_access('update', $node);

  // Else user may view the page when they are going to create their own profile
  // or have permission to create it for others.
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid == $account->uid || user_access('administer nodes')) {
    return node_access('create', $type);
  return FALSE;