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Files in Content locking (anti-concurrent editing) 6

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API.txt API.txt <h4>hook_content_lock_skip_locking($node, $form_id, $form, $form_state)</h4> Implement this hook if you want to force the skipping of a using any reasons or logic you want. Be sure to check $node for null, as it might not always be an… name = Content locking (edit lock) description = Prevents users to edit the same node at the same time. The second user can enter the edit-mode and gets notified core = 6.x project = "content_lock" package = "Drupal Wiki"
content_lock.install content_lock.install
content_lock.module content_lock.module Allows users to lock documents for modification.
content_lock.test tests/content_lock.test Backport of Drupal 7 block.test with modifications, see BACKPORT.txt. views/ This file handles views api definitions. We describe the table to Views module as well as other necessary stuff to integrate modules/content_lock_timeout/ name = Content locking (edit lock) timeouts description = Provides mechanisms for automatically unlocking nodes that have been locked for a certain length of time. core = 6.x project = "content_lock" package = "Drupal…
content_lock_timeout.module modules/content_lock_timeout/content_lock_timeout.module Allowed time-based automatic unlocking of nodes locked for editing with content_lock.
README.txt README.txt /* $Id$ */ -- Fork -- This module is a fork of the module and has been nearly completely reweritten since then -- SUMMARY -- This module implements a pessimistic locking strategy, which means that content will…
README.txt modules/content_lock_timeout/README.txt -- SUMMARY -- This module extends content_lock to automatically break stale locks. It has a configurable stale lock timeout and will break locks through cron. It can also check for a stale lock and break it when another user tries to edit a node. --… views/ Handler to identify if node is locked or not views/ Handler to filter based on locked nodes views/ Handler to identify if node is locked or not

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