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13 calls to content_access_get_settings() in Content Access 7

content_access_action_user in content_access_rules/
Process Rule's param, and grant by the passed operation.
content_access_admin_settings in ./
Per content type settings form.
content_access_admin_settings_submit in ./
Submit handler for per content type settings form.
content_access_force_permissions in ./
Formapi #after_build callback, that disables checkboxes for roles without access to content.
content_access_get_type_grant in ./content_access.module
Returns the default grants for a given node type.
content_access_node_access_records in ./content_access.module
Implements hook_node_access_records().
content_access_node_page_access in ./content_access.module
Get access tab page for the viewed node.
content_access_node_type_update in ./content_access.module
Implements hook_node_type_update().
content_access_optimize_grants in ./content_access.module
Removes grants that doesn't change anything.
content_access_page in ./
Per node settings page.
content_access_per_node_setting in ./content_access.module
Returns the per node role settings. If no per node settings are available, it will return the content type settings.
content_access_proccess_grant in ./content_access.module
Process a grant, which means add priority, realm and other properties.
content_access_user_admin_perm_submit in ./
Submit callback for the user permissions form. Trigger changes to node permissions to rebuild our grants.