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function content_access_force_permissions in Content Access 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \content_access_force_permissions()

Formapi #after_build callback, that disables checkboxes for roles without access to content.

1 string reference to 'content_access_force_permissions'
content_access_page in ./
Per node settings page.


./, line 306
Content access administration UI.


function content_access_force_permissions($element, &$form_state) {
  foreach (array(
  ) as $op) {
    foreach (content_access_get_settings($op, $form_state['node']->type) as $rid) {
      $element[$op][$rid]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
      $element[$op][$rid]['#attributes']['disabled'] = 'disabled';
      $element[$op][$rid]['#value'] = TRUE;
      $element[$op][$rid]['#checked'] = TRUE;
      $element[$op][$rid]['#prefix'] = '<span' . drupal_attributes(array(
        'title' => t("Permission is granted due to the content type's access control settings."),
      )) . '>';
      $element[$op][$rid]['#suffix'] = "</span>";
  return $element;