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Functions in Content Templates (Contemplate) 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
contemplatehook_node_update_index ./contemplate.module Implements hook_node_update_index().
contemplate_admin ./contemplate.module Admin page... list out the node types 1 1
contemplate_ajax_preview ./contemplate.module provide ajax callback for template editors 1
contemplate_array_variables ./contemplate.module Recursive (and therefore magical) function goes through node object returns html representation of the node strings are clickable and insert into teaser/body fields 1
contemplate_available_files ./contemplate.module List the available template files 1
contemplate_delete ./contemplate.module 3
contemplate_delete_type_form ./contemplate.module Menu Callback Confirm the deletion of the custom Content Template 1
contemplate_delete_type_form_submit ./contemplate.module
contemplate_edit_type ./contemplate.module 1
contemplate_edit_type_form ./contemplate.module Menu callback Edit the template for a specific node-type 1
contemplate_edit_type_form_submit ./contemplate.module
contemplate_eval ./contemplate.module Copy of drupal_eval(), but extracts the node object so that variables are available to the template 4
contemplate_eval_enclosure ./contemplate.module Eval the RSS enclosure field 1
contemplate_examples ./contemplate.module Load an example node and display its parts 1
contemplate_get_fields ./contemplate.module get fields for the template edit form 1
contemplate_get_file ./contemplate.module Given a node type and field type, return the content of the most specific file 1
contemplate_get_template ./contemplate.module Get a single template 4
contemplate_get_templates ./contemplate.module Get all of the current templates Only used on admin page 1
contemplate_help ./contemplate.module Implements hook_help().
contemplate_install ./contemplate.install
contemplate_menu ./contemplate.module Implements hook_menu().
contemplate_node_type_load ./contemplate.module Menu callback; loads a flexifilter object
contemplate_node_view ./contemplate.module Implements hook_node_view().
contemplate_node_views ./contemplate.module Load an example node and display its parts 1
contemplate_permission ./contemplate.module Implements hook_perm().
contemplate_preprocess_node ./contemplate.module Implements tempalte_prerocess_node().
contemplate_refresh_files ./contemplate.module Refresh the listing of template files for the current site 2
contemplate_save ./contemplate.module 1
contemplate_schema ./contemplate.install @file Content template module install/schema hooks.
contemplate_system_settings ./contemplate.module build the system settings form 1
contemplate_theme ./contemplate.module Implements hook_theme().
contemplate_uninstall ./contemplate.install
contemplate_update_1 ./contemplate.install
contemplate_update_2 ./contemplate.install
contemplate_update_6102 ./contemplate.install clear the cache to get the updates to the menu().
theme_contemplate_field ./contemplate.module Rewrite of theme_field to output default CCK output into the template.

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