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function contact_category_edit_form_validate in Contact 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 \contact_category_edit_form_validate()

Validate the contact category edit page form submission.


./, line 122
Admin page callbacks for the contact module.


function contact_category_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  // Validate and each e-mail recipient.
  $recipients = explode(',', $form_state['values']['recipients']);

  // When creating a new contact form, or renaming the category on an existing
  // contact form, make sure that the given category is unique.
  $category = $form_state['values']['category'];
  $query = db_select('contact', 'c')
    ->condition('c.category', $category, '=');
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['cid'])) {
      ->condition('c.cid', $form_state['values']['cid'], '<>');
  if ($query
    ->fetchField()) {
    form_set_error('category', t('A contact form with category %category already exists.', array(
      '%category' => $category,
  foreach ($recipients as &$recipient) {
    $recipient = trim($recipient);
    if (!valid_email_address($recipient)) {
      form_set_error('recipients', t('%recipient is an invalid e-mail address.', array(
        '%recipient' => $recipient,
  $form_state['values']['recipients'] = implode(',', $recipients);