You are here in Configuration Management 7


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 * Implements hook_configuration_api().
function node_configuration_api() {
  return array(
    'node' => array(
      'name' => t('Content types'),
      'feature_source' => TRUE,
      'default_hook' => 'configuration_node_info',

 * Implements hook_configuration_export_options().
function node_configuration_export_options() {
  return node_type_get_names();

 * Implements hook_configuration_export.
function node_configuration_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') {
  $pipe = array();
  $map = configuration_get_default_map('node');
  foreach ($data as $type) {
    $new_dependencies = array();

    // Poll node module to determine who provides the node type.
    if ($info = node_type_get_type($type)) {

      // If this node type is provided by a different module, add it as a dependency
      if (isset($map[$type]) && $map[$type] != $module_name) {
        $new_dependencies[$map[$type]] = $map[$type];

      // Otherwise export the node type.
      if (in_array($info->base, array(
      ))) {
        $export['configuration']['node'][$type] = $type;
        $new_dependencies['node'] = 'node';
        $new_dependencies['configuration'] = 'configuration';

      // Merge new dependencies with global.
      $export['dependencies'] = array_merge($export['dependencies'], $new_dependencies);
      $fields = field_info_instances('node', $type);
      foreach ($fields as $name => $field) {
        $export['configuration_dependency']['configuration']['field']["node-{$field['bundle']}-{$field['field_name']}"] = $type;
        $export['configuration_dependency']['modules']['field']["node-{$field['bundle']}-{$field['field_name']}"] = serialize($new_dependencies);
        $pipe['field'][] = "node-{$field['bundle']}-{$field['field_name']}";
  return $pipe;

 * Implements hook_configuration_export_render().
function node_configuration_export_render($module, $data, $export = NULL) {
  $elements = array(
    'name' => TRUE,
    'base' => FALSE,
    'description' => TRUE,
    'has_title' => FALSE,
    'title_label' => TRUE,
    'help' => TRUE,
  $output = array();
  $output[] = '  $items = array(';
  foreach ($data as $type) {
    if ($info = node_type_get_type($type)) {

      // Force module name to be 'configuration' if set to 'node. If we leave as
      // 'node' the content type will be assumed to be database-stored by
      // the node module.
      $info->base = $info->base === 'node' ? 'configuration' : $info->base;
      $output[] = "    '{$type}' => array(";
      foreach ($elements as $key => $t) {
        if ($t) {
          $text = str_replace("'", "\\'", $info->{$key});
          $text = !empty($text) ? "t('{$text}')" : "''";
          $output[] = "      '{$key}' => {$text},";
        else {
          $output[] = "      '{$key}' => '{$info->{$key}}',";
      $output[] = "    ),";
  $output[] = '  );';
  $output[] = '  return $items;';
  $output = implode("\n", $output);
  return array(
    'configuration_node_info' => $output,

 * Implements hook_configuration_revert().
 * @param $module
 * name of module to revert content for
function node_configuration_revert($identifiers, $module_name = 'configuration') {
  if ($default_types = configuration_get_default('node', $module_name)) {
    foreach ($default_types as $type_name => $type_info) {

      // Delete node types
      // We don't use node_type_delete() because we do not actually
      // want to delete the node type (and invoke hook_node_type()).
      // This can lead to bad consequences like CCK deleting field
      // storage in the DB.
      if (in_array($type_name, $identifiers)) {
          ->condition('type', $type_name)
    configuration_node_types_rebuild($identifiers, $module_name);
    foreach ($default_types as $type_name => $type_info) {
    cache_clear_all('config_export', 'cache');

 * Builds and returns the list of node types activated.
function configuration_node_types_rebuild($identifiers, $module_name = 'configuration') {
  $_node_types = (object) array(
    'types' => array(),
    'names' => array(),
  $info_array = call_user_func($module_name . '_configuration_node_info');
  foreach ($info_array as $type => $info) {
    if (in_array($type, $identifiers) || !empty($identifiers) && $identifiers[0] == '#import_all') {
      $info['type'] = $type;
      $_node_types->types[$type] = node_type_set_defaults($info);
      $_node_types->types[$type]->module = 'configuration';
      $_node_types->names[$type] = $info['name'];
  foreach ($_node_types->types as $type => $type_object) {

    // if (!empty($type_object->is_new) || !empty($type_object->disabled_changed)) {

    // }

 * Implements hook_configuration_disable().
 * When a configuration module is disabled, modify any node types it provides so
 * they can be deleted manually through the content types UI.
 * @param $module
 *   Name of module that has been disabled.
function node_configuration_disable($module) {
  if ($default_types = configuration_get_default('node', $module)) {
    foreach ($default_types as $type_name => $type_info) {
      $type_info = node_type_load($type_name);
      $type_info->module = 'node';
      $type_info->custom = 1;
      $type_info->modified = 1;
      $type_info->locked = 0;

 * Implements hook_configuration_enable().
 * When a configuration module is enabled, modify any node types it provides so
 * they can no longer be deleted manually through the content types UI.
 * @param $module
 *   Name of module that has been enabled.
function node_configuration_enable($module) {
  if ($default_types = configuration_get_default('node', $module)) {
    foreach ($default_types as $type_name => $type_info) {

      // Ensure the type exists.
      if ($type_info = node_type_load($type_name)) {
        $type_info->module = $module;
        $type_info->custom = 0;
        $type_info->modified = 0;
        $type_info->locked = 1;
function configuration_check_node($identifier) {

  // Get static variable that we can access across this request.
  $from_activestore =& drupal_static('configuration_from_activestore');
  $component = 'node';
  if (file_exists("config://")) {

    // Load the current configuration file on disk
    include_once drupal_realpath("config://");
    if (function_exists('configuration_configuration_node_info')) {

      // Clear the node type cache.

      // Export just the field we're tracking.
      module_load_include('inc', 'configuration', 'configuration.export');

      // Export the field we just saved and evaluate the export to $fields
      $code = node_configuration_export_render('configuration', array(
      $items_code = configuration_configuration_node_info();

      // If the activestore doesn't exist it is most likely because this configuration
      // only exists in code.
      if (empty($items)) {
        configuration_set_status($component, $identifier, CONFIGURATION_TRACKED_DATASTORE_ONLY);
      configuration_update_component_status($component, $identifier, $items, $items_code, $from_activestore);
function configuration_hash_node($identifier) {

  // Export just the field we're tracking.
  module_load_include('inc', 'configuration', 'configuration.export');
  $data = node_configuration_export_options();

  // Export the field we just saved and evaluate the export to hash
  $code = node_configuration_export_render('configuration', array(
  return md5(serialize($items[$identifier]));


Namesort descending Description
configuration_node_types_rebuild Builds and returns the list of node types activated.
node_configuration_api Implements hook_configuration_api().
node_configuration_disable Implements hook_configuration_disable().
node_configuration_enable Implements hook_configuration_enable().
node_configuration_export Implements hook_configuration_export.
node_configuration_export_options Implements hook_configuration_export_options().
node_configuration_export_render Implements hook_configuration_export_render().
node_configuration_revert Implements hook_configuration_revert().