function configuration_drush_command in Configuration Management 7.2
Implements of hook_drush_command().
- ./, line 40 - Let you perform configuration actions from the console.
function configuration_drush_command() {
$items = array();
$items['config-get-identifiers'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_get_identifiers',
'description' => 'Return the list of identifiers for a given component.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush cgi content_type' => 'Return the list of all available content types to export',
'arguments' => array(
'component' => 'The name of the component to get the identifiers',
$items['config-get-components'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_get_components',
'description' => 'Return the list of configurations components that can be exported.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush cgc' => 'Return the list of all available configuration components that can be exported',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-get-tracked'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_get_tracked',
'description' => 'Return the list of configurations components that are tracked.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush cgt' => 'Return the list of configurations components that are tracked.',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-get-non-tracked'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_get_not_tracked',
'description' => 'Return the list of configurations components that are not tracked.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush cgnt' => 'Return the list of configurations components that are not tracked.',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-export'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_export_to_datastore',
'description' => 'Export a configuration to the datastore.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush cexp --all' => 'Export all tracked components',
'drush cexp content_type.article' => 'Export the content type article and all its dependencies to the datastore',
'drush cexp content_type.article --exclude-dependencies --exclude-optionals' => 'Export the only the content type article to the datastore without include its dependencies and optional configurations.',
'options' => array(
'all' => 'Export all tracked components',
'exclude-dependencies' => 'Export a configuration without export its dependencies.',
'exclude-optionals' => 'Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.',
'start-tracking' => 'Export a configuration and automatically start to tracking it.',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-start-tracking'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_start_tracking',
'description' => 'Start tracking configuration changes.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush csta --all' => 'Start tracking changes in all configurations',
'drush csta content_type.article' => 'Start tracking changes in the content type article and in all its dependencies',
'options' => array(
'all' => 'Start tracking all components',
'exclude-dependencies' => 'Export a configuration without export its dependencies.',
'exclude-optionals' => 'Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-stop-tracking'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_stop_tracking',
'description' => 'Stop tracking configuration changes.',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush csto --all' => 'Stop tracking changes in all identifiers',
'drush csto content_type.article' => 'Stop tracking changes in the content type article and in all its dependencies',
'options' => array(
'all' => 'Stop tracking all components',
'exclude-dependencies' => 'Export a configuration without export its dependencies.',
'exclude-optionals' => 'Export a configuration without export its optional configurations.',
'arguments' => array(),
$items['config-list'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_list',
'description' => 'Return the list of components and identifiers',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush clist' => 'Return the list of components and identifiers',
$items['config-sync'] = array(
'callback' => '_configuration_sync',
'description' => 'Synchronize configurations',
'aliases' => array(
'examples' => array(
'drush config-sync' => 'Enable all the required modules and the configurations defined in',
'drush config-sync --preserve-tracked' => 'Will keep tracking the previous configurations even if they are not listed in the',
'drush csyn --source=%site/myconfig' => 'Synchronize configurations from drupal/sites/',
'drush csyn --source=myconfig' => 'Synchronize configurations from drupal/myconfig/',
'drush csyn --source=/path/to/myconfig' => 'Synchronize configurations from /path/to/myconfig/',
'options' => array(
'source' => 'import all the configurations from a given directory.',
'preserve-tracked' => 'By default, all configurations that are not listed on the file are automatically untracked. Using this options avoid remove the already being tracked configurations.',
return $items;