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function hook_configuration_handlers_alter in Configuration Management 7.2

Alter the handlers to manage configurations.

The hook is implemented to provide new handlers to manage configurations not covered by configuration handler or to modify the main handler that handle a certain configuration.


array $handlers: The array of already defined handlers.

See also


1 invocation of hook_configuration_handlers_alter()
configuration_configuration_handlers in ./configuration.module
Define basic handlers().


./configuration.api.php, line 20
Hooks for configuration module.


function hook_configuration_handlers_alter(&$handlers) {

  // Define a new configuration handler to manage 'Foo' configurations.
  // A FooConfiguration.php file must be placed into
  // yourmodule/lib/Drupal/yourmodule/Config
  $handlers['foo'] = '\\Drupal\\yourmodule\\Config\\FooConfiguration';

  // Modify an existen handler.
  $handlers['variable'] = '\\Drupal\\yourmodule\\Config\\CustomVariableConfiguration';