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function config_sync_update_8001 in Configuration Synchronizer 8.2

Migrate snapshot data from table to configuration entities.


./config_sync.install, line 27
Install, update and uninstall functions for the config_sync module.


function config_sync_update_8001() {
  if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->moduleExists('config_snapshot')) {

    // Install new dependency.
    try {
      ], FALSE);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      throw new UpdateException('The Configuration Snapshot module is required but was not found.');
  $provider_storage = \Drupal::service('');
  $table_name = 'config_sync_snapshot_extension';
  $database = \Drupal::database();
  $database_schema = $database
  if ($database_schema
    ->tableExists($table_name)) {

    // Load data from old table storage.
    $legacy_data = $database
      ->query('SELECT * FROM {' . $table_name . '}')
    $data = [];
    foreach ($legacy_data as $item) {

      // Data are serialized.
      $data[$item->collection][$item->name] = unserialize($item->data);

    // The config item data we've read in doesn't include information on the
    // providing extension. To determine this, our best proxy indicator is the
    // config that is currently provided.

    /* @var \Drupal\config_sync\Plugin\SyncConfigCollectorInterface $config_collector */
    $config_collector = \Drupal::service('config_sync.collector');
    $installed_extensions = \Drupal::config('core.extension');

    // Iterate through installed extensions.
    foreach ([
    ] as $type) {
      if ($installed_type = $installed_extensions
        ->get($type)) {

        // For each extension, determine what configuration it currently provides.
        foreach (array_keys($installed_type) as $name) {
          $pathname = drupal_get_filename($type, $name);
          $extension = new Extension(\Drupal::root(), $type, $pathname);
          $extensions = [
            $name => $extension,

          // Try loading the snapshot from configuration. We need to support
          // snapshots that may have been created when we installed the
          // config_snapshot module or when other modules were installed after
          // code was updated but prior to this update.
          $config_snapshot = ConfigSnapshot::load(ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::CONFIG_SNAPSHOT_SET . ".{$type}.{$name}");

          // If not found, create a fresh snapshot object for this extension.
          if (!$config_snapshot) {
            $config_snapshot = ConfigSnapshot::create([
              'snapshotSet' => ConfigSyncSnapshotterInterface::CONFIG_SNAPSHOT_SET,
              'extensionType' => $type,
              'extensionName' => $name,
          foreach (array_keys($data) as $collection) {
            if ($provider_storage
              ->getCollectionName() !== $collection) {
              $provider_storage = $provider_storage
            if ($config_names = $provider_storage
              ->listAll()) {

              // If the currently-provided item has a previous snapshot value,
              // set that for the new shapshot.
              foreach ($config_names as $config_name) {
                if (isset($data[$collection][$config_name])) {
                    ->setItem($collection, $config_name, $data[$collection][$config_name]);

    // Drop the obsolete table.

  // Also drop a second obsolete table if present.
  $table_name = 'config_sync_snapshot_active';
  if ($database_schema
    ->tableExists($table_name)) {