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public function ConfigReadonlyStorage::createCollection in Configuration Read-only mode 8

Creates a collection on the storage.

A configuration storage can contain multiple sets of configuration objects in partitioned collections. The collection name identifies the current collection used.

Implementations of this method must provide a new instance to avoid side effects caused by the fact that Config objects have their storage injected.


string $collection: The collection name. Valid collection names conform to the following regex [a-zA-Z_.]. A storage does not need to have a collection set. However, if a collection is set, then storage should use it to store configuration in a way that allows retrieval of configuration for a particular collection.

Return value

$this A new instance of the storage backend with the collection set.

Overrides CachedStorage::createCollection


src/Config/ConfigReadonlyStorage.php, line 64


Defines a config read-only storage controller.




public function createCollection($collection) {
  return new static($this->storage
    ->createCollection($collection), $this->cache, $this->lock, $this->requestStack, $this->moduleHandler);