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Functions in Conditional Fields 5

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
conditional_fields_add_js ./conditional_fields.module Adds javascript to the node editing form 1
conditional_fields_allowed_values ./conditional_fields.module Create an array of the allowed values for a field 2
conditional_fields_content_admin_field ./conditional_fields.module Alteration of the field editing form 1
conditional_fields_content_admin_field_validate ./conditional_fields.module Check selection of values
conditional_fields_default_values ./conditional_fields.module Load default values from conditional_fields table. 1
conditional_fields_fieldgroup_edit_group_form ./conditional_fields.module Alteration of the fieldgroup editing form 1
conditional_fields_field_overview_form ./conditional_fields.module Find conditional fields, mark them, and disable groups select for them. 1
conditional_fields_find_required_field ./conditional_fields.module Recursive function finds if a field is required If it is required, it unsets the #required value, themes a mock required markup, sets a #required_field value, and returns TRUE. If $is_unset is TRUE, the functions finds a #required_field value, and… 2
conditional_fields_forms_submit ./conditional_fields.module Handle saving of conditional field settings. The controlled field can be either a field or a group
conditional_fields_form_alter ./conditional_fields.module Implementation of hook_form_alter()
conditional_fields_get_control_fields ./conditional_fields.module Returns an array of fields and fieldgroups controlled by the field $fieldname. $type is the content type name of the field
conditional_fields_help ./conditional_fields.module
conditional_fields_install ./conditional_fields.install Implementation of hook_install().
conditional_fields_is_triggered ./conditional_fields.module Returns true if the field was triggered $selected_values The values of the controlling field selected by the user when creating the node $trigger_values An array containing the information we need to select the trigger values 2
conditional_fields_load_data ./conditional_fields.module Returns an array of conditional fields settings for a given node type. $structure can be either 'flat' or 'row' . 'row' data is data per row, while 'flat' data is a list of both controlling and controlled fields. 4
conditional_fields_menu ./conditional_fields.module Implementation of hook_menu().
conditional_fields_nodeapi ./conditional_fields.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
conditional_fields_node_editing_form ./conditional_fields.module Alteration of the node editing form 1
conditional_fields_node_editing_form_validate ./conditional_fields.module Validation for node editing form.
conditional_fields_node_type ./conditional_fields.module Implementation of hook_node_type()
conditional_fields_node_type_delete ./conditional_fields.module Remove conditional fields of a node type 2
conditional_fields_node_type_update ./conditional_fields.module Update conditional fields to a new type name 1
conditional_fields_perm ./conditional_fields.module Implementation of hook_perm()
conditional_fields_remove_field_settings ./conditional_fields.module 2
conditional_fields_set_required_for_render ./conditional_fields.module Recursive function to set required for all conditionally required fields. This causes Drupal to render conditionally required fields in a way that indicates they are required when visible. e.g., with an asterisk. 1
conditional_fields_uninstall ./conditional_fields.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
theme_conditional_fields_form_item ./conditional_fields.module Themes the wrappers around conditional fields. Note that if you modify the id and classes of these fields, you have to modify conditional_fields.js accordingly.
theme_conditional_field_conditional ./conditional_fields.module Themes a conditional markup for a field label.
_conditional_fields_admin ./conditional_fields.module Administration form for conditional fields 1
_conditional_fields_admin_submit ./conditional_fields.module
_conditional_fields_build_form ./conditional_fields.module This adds conditional fields settings in the field and fieldgroup editing forms. Valid choices for $op are 'field' and 'group' 2
_conditional_fields_content_admin_field_remove_submit ./conditional_fields.module
_conditional_fields_fieldgroup_remove_group_submit ./conditional_fields.module

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