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function theme_conditional_fields_wrapper in Conditional Fields 6.2

Themes a wrapper around conditional fields. Note that if you modify the id and classes of these fields, you have to modify conditional_fields.js accordingly.

3 theme calls to theme_conditional_fields_wrapper()
conditional_fields_add_more_post_render in ./conditional_fields.module
post_render function to handle controlled fields after "add more" ahah request
conditional_fields_fieldgroup_post_render in ./conditional_fields.module
post_render function to make fieldgroup wrapping themeable
theme_conditional_fields_form_item in ./conditional_fields.module
Prepares conditional fields for rendering and handles special cases. Note that if you modify the id and classes of these fields, you have to modify conditional_fields.js accordingly.


./conditional_fields.module, line 1480
Content fields and groups visibility based on the values of user defined 'trigger' fields.


function theme_conditional_fields_wrapper($content, $id, $classes) {
  return '<div id="' . $id . '" class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">' . $content . '</div>';