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function conditional_fields_field_form_get_values in Conditional Fields 7.3

Extracts field values from a submitted form.

1 call to conditional_fields_field_form_get_values()
conditional_fields_evaluate_dependencies in ./conditional_fields.module
Evaluate a set of dependencies for a dependent field.


./conditional_fields.module, line 1023
Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.


function conditional_fields_field_form_get_values($field_name, $form, $form_state) {
  $field_parents = $form['#conditional_fields'][$field_name]['parents'];

  // We have the parents of the field, but depending on the entity type and
  // the widget type, they may include additional elements that are actually
  // part of the value. So we find the depth of the field inside the form
  // structure and use the parents only up to that depth.
  $field_parents_keys = array_flip($field_parents);
  $field_parent = drupal_array_get_nested_value($form, array_slice($field_parents, 0, $field_parents_keys[$field_name]));
  $values = conditional_fields_field_get_values($field_parent[$field_name], $form_state);

  // Remove the language key.
  if (isset($field_parent[$field_name]['#language'], $values[$field_parent[$field_name]['#language']])) {
    $values = $values[$field_parent[$field_name]['#language']];
  return $values;