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function conditional_fields_evaluate_dependency in Conditional Fields 7.3

Evaluate if a dependency meets the requirements to be triggered.


$context: 'edit' if $values are extracted from $form_state or 'view' if $values are extracted from an entity.

2 calls to conditional_fields_evaluate_dependency()
conditional_fields_entity_view_alter in ./conditional_fields.module
Implements hook_entity_view_alter().
conditional_fields_evaluate_dependencies in ./conditional_fields.module
Evaluate a set of dependencies for a dependent field.


./conditional_fields.module, line 1049
Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.


function conditional_fields_evaluate_dependency($context, $values, $options) {
  if ($options['condition'] == 'empty') {
    $options['values'] = array(
  elseif ($options['condition'] == '!empty') {
    $options['values'] = array(
  if ($options['values_set'] == CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_WIDGET) {
    $dependency_values = $context == 'view' ? $options['value'] : $options['value_form'];

    // Simple case: both values are strings or integers. Should never happen in
    // view context, but does no harm to check anyway.
    if (!is_array($values)) {

      // Options elements consider "_none" value same as empty.
      $values = $values === '_none' ? '' : $values;
      if (!is_array($dependency_values)) {

        // Some widgets store integers, but values saved in $dependency_values
        // are always strings. Convert them to integers because we want to do a
        // strict equality check to differentiate empty strings from '0'.
        if (is_int($values) && is_numeric($dependency_values)) {
          $dependency_values = (int) $dependency_values;
        return $dependency_values === $values;

      // If $values is a string and $dependency_values an array, convert $values
      // to the standard field array form format. This covers cases like single
      // value textfields.
      $values = array(
          'value' => $values,

    // If we are in form context, we are almost done.
    if ($context == 'edit') {

      // If $dependency_values is not an array, we can only assume that it
      // should map to the first key of the first value of $values.
      if (!is_array($dependency_values)) {
        $key = current(array_keys((array) current($values)));
        $dependency_values = array(
            $key => $dependency_values,

      // Compare arrays recursively ignoring keys, since multiple select widgets
      // values have numeric keys in form format and string keys in storage
      // format.
      return array_values($dependency_values) == array_values($values);

    // $values, when viewing fields, may contain all sort of additional
    // information, so filter out from $values the keys that are not present in
    // $dependency_values.
    // Values here are alway keyed by delta (regardless of multiple value
    // settings).
    foreach ($values as $delta => &$value) {
      if (isset($dependency_values[$delta])) {
        $value = array_intersect_key($value, $dependency_values[$delta]);
        foreach ($value as $key => &$element_value) {
          if (isset($dependency_values[$delta][$key]) && is_int($dependency_values[$delta][$key]) && is_numeric($element_value)) {
            $element_value = (int) $element_value;

    // Compare values.
    foreach ($dependency_values as $delta => $dependency_value) {
      if (!isset($values[$delta])) {
        return FALSE;
      foreach ($dependency_value as $key => $dependency_element_value) {

        // Ignore keys set in the field and not in the dependency.
        if (isset($values[$delta][$key]) && $values[$delta][$key] !== $dependency_element_value) {
          return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

  // Flatten array of values.
  $reference_values = array();
  foreach ((array) $values as $value) {

    // TODO: support multiple values.
    $reference_values[] = is_array($value) ? array_shift($value) : $value;

  // Regular expression method.
  if ($options['values_set'] == CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_DEPENDENCY_VALUES_REGEX) {
    foreach ($reference_values as $reference_value) {
      if (!preg_match('/' . $options['value']['RegExp'] . '/', $reference_value)) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
  switch ($options['values_set']) {
      $diff = array_diff($options['values'], $reference_values);
      return empty($diff);
      $intersect = array_intersect($options['values'], $reference_values);
      return !empty($intersect);
      $intersect = array_intersect($options['values'], $reference_values);
      return count($intersect) == 1;
      $intersect = array_intersect($options['values'], $reference_values);
      return empty($intersect);