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function conditional_fields_behaviors in Conditional Fields 7.3

List of behaviors that can be applied when editing forms and viewing content with dependencies.

1 call to conditional_fields_behaviors()
conditional_fields_dependency_edit_form in includes/
Dependency edit form.


./conditional_fields.module, line 1641
Define dependencies between fields based on their states and values.


function conditional_fields_behaviors($op = NULL) {
  $behaviors = array(
    'edit' => array(
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_EDIT_HIDE_ORPHAN => t('Hide the dependent if the dependee is not in the form'),
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_EDIT_RESET_UNTRIGGERED => t('Reset the dependent to its default values when the form is submitted if the dependency is not triggered.') . '<br /><em>' . t('Note: This setting only applies if the condition is "Value", "Empty", or "Filled" and may not work with some field types. Also, ensure that the default values are valid, since they will not be validated.') . '</em>',
    'view' => array(
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_VIEW_EVALUATE => t('Hide the dependent if the dependency is not triggered'),
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_VIEW_HIDE_ORPHAN => t('Hide the dependent if the dependee is not viewable by the user'),
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_VIEW_HIDE_UNTRIGGERED_ORPHAN => t('Hide the dependent if the dependee is not viewable by the user and the dependency is not triggered'),
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_VIEW_HIGHLIGHT => t('Theme the dependent like an error message if the dependency is not triggered'),
      CONDITIONAL_FIELDS_FIELD_VIEW_DESCRIBE => t('Show a textual description of the dependency under the dependent'),

  // Allow other modules to modify the options.
  drupal_alter('conditional_fields_behaviors', $behaviors);
  if (isset($behaviors[$op])) {
    return $behaviors[$op];
  return $behaviors;