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Functions in Drupal Computing 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
computing_access ./computing.module Check user permissions 1
computing_action_handle_output ./
computing_add_command ./ Generate a form for a command. We expect this function will create a computing record. 1
computing_application_create_entity ./ 1 1
computing_application_entity_access ./ 1
computing_claim ./computing.module Return an object and mark it as being processed. Use lock system to make sure status is not changed during the process. Another approach is to use while(TRUE) following the logic from SystemQueue:claimItem(). 1 1
computing_command_form ./ This is similar to system_settings_form(). Make all data in 'input', and add "Add" button and other generic fields. 1
computing_command_form_submit ./ 1
computing_computing_data ./computing.module Implements hook_computing_data(). See README for details.
computing_create ./computing.module Create a computing record and save it as an entity. 3
computing_create_services_wrapper ./ 1
computing_ctools_plugin_api ./computing.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api(). Exposes services.module support.
computing_default_rules_configuration ./ Implementation of hook_default_rules_configuration().
computing_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
computing_echo_handle_result ./ 'result callback' for the Echo command. 1
computing_echo_optional_form_elements ./ 'form elements callback' for the Echo command. 1
computing_entity_info ./ Implement hook_entity_info().
computing_entity_info_alter ./ Implements hook_entity_info_alter(). This seems to be the correct way to set ['bundles'] for custom entity types. Although for "node.module", it's set directly in hook_entity_info().
computing_entity_property_info_alter ./ Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
computing_fetch_data ./computing.module A helper function to get command definition in hook_computing_data(). No need to use cache because it's not going to be accessed a lot. 3
computing_finish ./computing.module When agent finishes a computational task, call this function to persist results back to Drupal. 1
computing_get_applications ./computing.module Get a list of Computing Application entities. 3
computing_get_status ./computing.module Check the status of a computing record, bypassing Drupal cache.
computing_help ./computing.module Implements hook_help().
computing_install ./computing.install Implements hook_install()
computing_last_success ./computing.module Return the record that has run successfully most recently.
computing_list_command_page ./ Generate the "Command" page. Code following the logic of system_admin_config_page(). 1
computing_load ./computing.module Load a computing entity by id; returns the object. Input/Output will be loaded as object, not as json encoded strings. 6 1
computing_menu ./computing.module Implements hook_menu().
computing_overview_form ./ Generate the overview page. 1
computing_overview_form_submit ./
computing_permission ./computing.module Implements hook_permission().
computing_record_create_entity ./ 1 1
computing_record_entity_access ./ 1
computing_release ./computing.module Release the claimed record, assuming that the record is claimed by the 1
computing_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info(). Possible actions in the future: create, update, claim, finish a record.
computing_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
computing_schema ./computing.install Implements hook_schema().
computing_services_resources ./ Implements hook_services_resources().
computing_site_info ./computing.module Expose site info through Services.module. 1
computing_status_readable ./computing.module Get the readable name for Computing Record status. 3
computing_uninstall ./computing.install Implements hook_uninstall().
computing_update ./computing.module Update an existing computing entity and persist any changes. Input/Output should NOT be encoded as json string before calling this: this function will take care of encoding/decoding 3
computing_update_field ./computing.module Only update and persist the given field. This is supposed to save bandwidth between Drupal and Agent by only updating one field instead of the entire object. It only handles the database properties of the entity, or single value field. Use your own… 3 1
computing_update_services_wrapper ./ 1
computing_views_api ./computing.module Implements hook_views_api().
computing_views_data_alter ./ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
computing_views_default_views ./ Implements hook_views_default_views().
drush_computing_call ./ Call a Drupal function, where parameters are passed in as json string. Print JSON results.
drush_computing_eval ./ Process code and print results in JSON Difference to "eval": is that here we return results in JSON, instead of print out.


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