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function computing_create_record in Drupal Computing 7

Creates a command record and save to {computing_record} queue. Duplicate command would not get saved twice. To force saving a duplicate command, set the 'updated' field or any input field with different value in $options.

Callers should make sure 'input' and 'output' fields are already decoded as byte strings.






Return value

The ID of the newly created command record.

2 calls to computing_create_record()
ComputingTestCase::testCreateUpdateCommand in ./computing.test
drush_computing_create in ./


./computing.module, line 183


function computing_create_record($app, $command, $description = NULL, $fields = array()) {
  $created = isset($fields['created']) ? $fields['created'] : FALSE;

  // array_merge(): 2nd array overrides first one.
  $fields = array_merge($fields, compact('app', 'command', 'description'));
  $fields = array_merge(array(
    'control' => 'REDY',
    'weight' => 0,
  ), $fields);
  $fields = computing_validate_fields($fields, TRUE);

  // to avoid search duplicate record with 'created' field.
  // since db_merge() doesn't return auto increment id, we simply query to check duplicate and then insert.
  $result = _computing_query_records($fields, 1);
  if (($dup = $result
    ->fetchObject()) != FALSE) {
    watchdog('computing', "Request to create duplicate command record {$dup->id}");
    return $dup->id;

  // set "created" after checking for duplicate.
  $fields['created'] = $created == FALSE ? time() : $created;
  $insert = db_insert('computing_record');
  $id = $insert
  return $id;