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class TwigExtension in Components! 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Template/TwigExtension.php \Drupal\components\Template\TwigExtension
  2. 8 src/Template/TwigExtension.php \Drupal\components\Template\TwigExtension

A class providing components' Twig extensions.


  • class \Drupal\components\Template\TwigExtension extends \Twig\Extension\AbstractExtension

Expanded class hierarchy of TwigExtension

2 files declare their use of TwigExtension
TwigExtensionFiltersTest.php in tests/src/Unit/TwigExtensionFiltersTest.php
TwigExtensionFunctionsTest.php in tests/src/Unit/TwigExtensionFunctionsTest.php
1 string reference to 'TwigExtension' in ./
1 service uses TwigExtension
components.twig.extension in ./


src/Template/TwigExtension.php, line 13


View source
class TwigExtension extends AbstractExtension {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFunctions() : array {
    return [
      new TwigFunction('template', [
      ], [
        'is_variadic' => TRUE,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFilters() : array {
    return [
      'recursive_merge' => new TwigFilter('recursive_merge', [
      'set' => new TwigFilter('set', [
      'add' => new TwigFilter('add', [

   * Includes the given template name or theme hook by returning a render array.
   * Instead of calling the "include" function with a specific Twig template,
   * the "template" function will include the same Twig template, but after
   * running Drupal's normal preprocess and theme suggestion functions.
   * Variables that you want to pass to the template should be given to the
   * template function using named arguments. For example:
   * @code
   * {% set list = template(
   *     "item-list.html.twig",
   *     title = "Animals not yet in Drupal core",
   *     items = ["lemur", "weasel", "honey badger"],
   *   )
   * %}
   * @endcode
   * Note that template() returns a render array. This means you can filter it
   * with Twig filters that expect arrays, e.g. `template(...)|merge(...)`. If
   * you want to use a filter that expects strings, you can use Drupal's render
   * filter first, e.g. `template(...)|render|stringFilter(...)`.
   * Instead of the template name, you can pass a theme hook name or theme
   * suggestion to the first argument:
   * @code
   * {% set list = template(
   *     "item_list__node",
   *     title = "Fictional animals not yet in Drupal core",
   *     items = ["domo", "ponycorn"],
   *   )
   * %}
   * @endcode
   * @param string|array $_name
   *   The template name or theme hook to render. Optionally, an array of theme
   *   suggestions can be given.
   * @param array $variables
   *   The variables to pass to the template.
   * @return array
   *   The render array for the given theme hook.
   * @throws \Exception
   *   When template name is prefixed with a Twig namespace, e.g. "@classy/".
  public function template($_name, array $variables = []) : array {
    assert(is_string($_name) || is_array($_name), 'The first argument must be a string containing the template name or theme hook to render or an array of theme suggestions.');
    if ($_name[0] === '@') {
      throw new \Exception('Templates with namespaces are not supported; "' . $_name . '" given.');
    if (is_array($_name)) {
      $hook = $_name;
    else {
      $hook = str_replace('.html.twig', '', strtr($_name, '-', '_'));
    $render_array = [
      '#theme' => $hook,
    foreach ($variables as $key => $variable) {
      $render_array['#' . $key] = $variable;
    return $render_array;

   * Recursively merges an array into the element, replacing existing values.
   * @code
   * {{ form|recursive_merge( {'element': {'attributes': {'placeholder': 'Label'}}} ) }}
   * @endcode
   * @param array|iterable|\Traversable $element
   *   The parent renderable array to merge into.
   * @param iterable|array $array
   *   The array to merge.
   * @return array
   *   The merged renderable array.
   * @throws \Twig\Error\RuntimeError
   *   When $element is not an array or "Traversable".
  public static function recursiveMergeFilter($element, $array) : array {
    if (!twig_test_iterable($element)) {
      throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The recursive_merge filter only works on arrays or "Traversable" objects, got "%s".', gettype($element)));
    return array_replace_recursive($element, $array);

   * Sets a deeply-nested property on an array.
   * If the deeply-nested property exists, the existing data will be replaced
   * with the new value.
   * @code
   * {{ form|set( 'element.#attributes.placeholder', 'Label' ) }}
   * @endcode
   * @param array|iterable|\Traversable $element
   *   The parent renderable array to set into.
   * @param string $at
   *   The dotted-path to the deeply nested element to set.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value to set.
   * @return array
   *   The merged renderable array.
   * @throws \Twig\Error\RuntimeError
   *   When $element is not an array or "Traversable".
  public static function setFilter($element, string $at, $value) {
    if (!twig_test_iterable($element)) {
      throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The set filter only works on arrays or "Traversable" objects, got "%s".', gettype($element)));
    return self::addOrSetFilter($element, $at, $value);

   * Adds a deeply-nested property on an array.
   * If the deeply-nested property exists, the existing data will be replaced
   * with the new value, unless the existing data is an array. In which case,
   * the new value will be merged into the existing array.
   * @code
   * {{ form|add( 'element.#attributes.class', 'new-class' ) }}
   * @endcode
   * Or using named arguments:
   * @code
   * {{ form|add( to='element.#attributes.class', value='new-class' ) }}
   * {# We accept the plural form of "values" as a grammatical convenience. #}
   * {{ form|add( to='element.#attributes.class', values=['new-class', 'new-class-2'] ) }}
   * @endcode
   * @param array|iterable|\Traversable $element
   *   The parent renderable array to merge into.
   * @param string $at
   *   The dotted-path to the deeply nested element to modify.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value to add.
   * @param mixed $values
   *   The values to add. If this named argument is used, the "value" argument
   *   is ignored.
   * @return array
   *   The merged renderable array.
   * @throws \Twig\Error\RuntimeError
   *   When $element is not an array or "Traversable".
  public static function addFilter($element, string $at, $value = NULL, $values = NULL) {
    if (!twig_test_iterable($element)) {
      throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('The add filter only works on arrays or "Traversable" objects, got "%s".', gettype($element)));
    return self::addOrSetFilter($element, $at, !is_null($values) ? $values : $value, TRUE);

   * Helper function for the set/add filters.
   * @param array|iterable|\Traversable $element
   *   The parent renderable array to merge into.
   * @param string $at
   *   The dotted-path to the deeply nested element to replace.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value to set.
   * @param bool $isAddFilter
   *   Which filter is being called.
   * @return array
   *   The merged renderable array.
  protected static function addOrSetFilter($element, string $at, $value, $isAddFilter = FALSE) {
    if ($element instanceof \ArrayAccess) {
      $filteredElement = clone $element;
    else {
      $filteredElement = $element;

    // Convert the dotted path into an array of keys.
    $path = explode('.', $at);
    $lastPath = array_pop($path);

    // Traverse the element down the path, creating arrays as needed.
    $childElement =& $filteredElement;
    foreach ($path as $childPath) {
      if (!isset($childElement[$childPath])) {
        $childElement[$childPath] = [];
      $childElement =& $childElement[$childPath];

    // If this is the add() filter and if the targeted child element is an
    // array, add the value to it.
    if ($isAddFilter && isset($childElement[$lastPath]) && is_array($childElement[$lastPath])) {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        $childElement[$lastPath] = array_merge($childElement[$lastPath], $value);
      else {
        $childElement[$lastPath][] = $value;
    else {

      // Otherwise, replace the target element with the given value.
      $childElement[$lastPath] = $value;
    return $filteredElement;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
TwigExtension::addFilter public static function Adds a deeply-nested property on an array.
TwigExtension::addOrSetFilter protected static function Helper function for the set/add filters.
TwigExtension::getFilters public function
TwigExtension::getFunctions public function
TwigExtension::recursiveMergeFilter public static function Recursively merges an array into the element, replacing existing values.
TwigExtension::setFilter public static function Sets a deeply-nested property on an array.
TwigExtension::template public function Includes the given template name or theme hook by returning a render array.