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public static function ScssNumber::validateNumber in SCSS Compiler 1.0.x

Validate a number element's value on form submission.

If a value is required, but none was submitted, an error will be added.

If a value is provided, a unit is required, but none was selected, an error will be added.


array $element: The element that should be validated.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

array $complete_form: The complete form.


src/Element/ScssNumber.php, line 518


A form element to represent Sass numbers with a unit.




public static function validateNumber(array &$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, array &$complete_form) {

  // Extract the input value from the element.
  $input = self::getValue($element);

  // Extract the value & unit from this element's input (if available).
  $value = $input['value'] ?? NULL;
  $unit = $input['unit'] ?? NULL;

  // Check if no value was submitted where one was required.
  if (!is_numeric($value) && self::isRequired($element)) {
    $error = $element['#title'] ? t('%name requires a value.', [
      '%name' => $element['#title'],
    ]) : t('This field requires a value.');
      ->setError($element['value'], $error);

  // Determine whether a unit is required for this element.
  $unit_required = is_numeric($value) && self::isUnitRequired($element);

  // Check if no (valid) unit was selected where one was required.
  if (!array_key_exists($unit, self::getAllowedUnits()) && $unit_required) {
    $error = $element['#title'] ? t('%name requires a unit.', [
      '%name' => $element['#title'],
    ]) : t('This field requires a unit.');
      ->setError($element['unit'], $error);

  // Check if only a unit was submitted.
  if (!is_numeric($value) && !empty($unit)) {
    $error = $element['#title'] ? t('%name cannot have only a unit.', [
      '%name' => $element['#title'],
    ]) : t('This field cannot have only a unit.');

    // Only complain about empty values with a unit if the unit isn't forced.
    if ($element['unit']['#type'] !== 'hidden') {
        ->setError($element['unit'], $error);
    else {
        ->setValueForElement($element['unit'], NULL);

  // Canonicalize the element value and store it in the form state.
  $unit = is_numeric($value) ? array_filter([
    'unit' => $unit,
  ]) : [];
  $value = is_numeric($value) ? [
    'value' => $value,
  ] : [];
    ->setValueForElement($element, $value + $unit ?: NULL);