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Classes, traits, and interfaces in SCSS Compiler 1.0.x

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
BackendBase abstract class Drupal\compiler_scss src/BackendBase.php Provides a base compiler backend implementation.
BackendInterface interface Drupal\compiler_scss src/BackendInterface.php Provides a common interface for backend implementations. 1
Color class Drupal\compiler_scss\Type src/Type/Color.php Defines a Color type used for type juggling in PHP-bridged functions. 2
Color class Drupal\compiler_scss\Plugin\DataType src/Plugin/DataType/Color.php A data type used to represent color values in "#RRGGBB[AA]" format. 1
CompilerScssServiceProvider class Drupal\compiler_scss src/CompilerScssServiceProvider.php Registers the appropriate compiler backend service.
FontFamily class Drupal\compiler_scss\Config\Schema src/Config/Schema/FontFamily.php A config schema type used to represent a font family sequence. 1
FontFamily class Drupal\compiler_scss\Plugin\DataType src/Plugin/DataType/FontFamily.php A data type used to represent a font family sequence.
FontFamilyDataDefinition class Drupal\compiler_scss\Config\Schema src/Config/Schema/FontFamilyDataDefinition.php A data definition that describes the items in a font family sequence.
Number class Drupal\compiler_scss\Type src/Type/Number.php Defines a Sass number type optionally paired with a unit. 3
Number class Drupal\compiler_scss\Config\Schema src/Config/Schema/Number.php A config schema type used to represent a Sass number. 1
Number class Drupal\compiler_scss\Plugin\DataType src/Plugin/DataType/Number.php A data type used to represent a Sass number.
NumberDataDefinition class Drupal\compiler_scss\Config\Schema src/Config/Schema/NumberDataDefinition.php A data definition that describes the properties of a Sass number. 1
ScssColor class Drupal\compiler_scss\Element src/Element/ScssColor.php A form element to represent null-able Sass colors.
ScssFontFamily class Drupal\compiler_scss\Element src/Element/ScssFontFamily.php A form element to represent font families.
ScssNumber class Drupal\compiler_scss\Element src/Element/ScssNumber.php A form element to represent Sass numbers with a unit.
Unit class Drupal\compiler_scss\Plugin\DataType src/Plugin/DataType/Unit.php A data type used to represent a Sass unit. 1

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