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form-content.tpl.php in Drupal Commons 7.3

form-content.tpl.php Default template implementation to display the content of a form.

Available variables:


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 * @file form-content.tpl.php
 * Default template implementation to display the content of a form.
 * Available variables:
 * - $form: An array of form elements. Use render() to output individual
 *   elements, but drupal_render_children() to render the whole item.


// Some nodes are multicolumn, so check for the second column.
if (!empty($form['supplementary'])) {

  <div class="columns clearfix">
    <div class="primary-fields">

  print drupal_render_children($form);
    <div class="supplementary-fields">

  print render($form['supplementary']);

  print render($form['actions']);

  // If there is no second column, print everything as normal.
else {

  print drupal_render_children($form);