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function commons_profile_find_friends_autocomplete in Drupal Commons 6.2

Autocomplete callback for the "find new friends" form

1 string reference to 'commons_profile_find_friends_autocomplete'
commons_profile_menu in modules/features/commons_profile/commons_profile.module
Implementation of hook_menu()


modules/features/commons_profile/, line 11
Page callbacks for commons_profile


function commons_profile_find_friends_autocomplete($string = '') {
  global $user;
  $matches = array();
  if ($string) {

    // Make sure the current user isn't returned in the autocomplete
    $ignore = array(

    // Determine the user's current friends
    if ($user->uid) {
      $friends = user_relationships_load(array(
        'user' => $user->uid,
      foreach ($friends as $friend) {

        // Add the friend to the ignore list
        $ignore[] = $user->uid == $friend->requester_id ? $friend->requestee_id : $friend->requester_id;

    // Build the query
    $sql = "SELECT name, picture";
    $sql .= " FROM {users}";
    $sql .= " WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE LOWER('%s%%')";
    $sql .= " AND status = 1";
    $sql .= " AND uid NOT IN (" . db_placeholders($ignore, 'int') . ")";

    // Add the string to the ignore list, so we can pass a single array
    // of query arguments in
    array_unshift($ignore, $string);

    // Retrieve the results
    $result = db_query_range($sql, $ignore, 0, 10);
    while ($match = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $matches[$match->name] = theme('commons_profile_friend_autocomplete_item', check_plain($match->name), $match->picture);