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 * @file

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
function commons_wikis_ctools_plugin_api($module = NULL, $api = NULL) {
  if ($module == "page_manager" && $api == "pages_default") {
    return array(
      "version" => "1",
  if ($module == "strongarm" && $api == "strongarm") {
    return array(
      "version" => "1",

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function commons_wikis_views_api($module = NULL, $api = NULL) {
  return array(
    "api" => "3.0",

 * Implements hook_default_message_type().
function commons_wikis_default_message_type() {
  $items = array();
  $items['commons_wikis_wiki_updated'] = entity_import('message_type', '{
    "name" : "commons_wikis_wiki_updated",
    "description" : "Message when a wiki page has been updated.",
    "argument_keys" : [],
    "argument" : [],
    "category" : "message_type",
    "data" : {
      "token options" : { "clear" : 1 },
      "purge" : { "override" : 0, "enabled" : 0, "quota" : "", "days" : "" }
    "language" : "",
    "arguments" : null,
    "message_text" : { "und" : [
          "value" : "[message:user:picture:35x35]",
          "format" : "full_html",
          "safe_value" : "[message:user:picture:35x35]"
          "value" : "\\u003Ca href=\\u0022[message:user:url:absolute]\\u0022\\u003E[message:user:name]\\u003C\\/a\\u003E has updated the \\u003Ca href=\\u0022[message:field-target-nodes:0:url]\\u0022\\u003E[message:field-target-nodes:0:title_field]\\u003C\\/a\\u003E wiki page",
          "format" : "full_html",
          "safe_value" : "\\u003Ca href=\\u0022[message:user:url:absolute]\\u0022\\u003E[message:user:name]\\u003C\\/a\\u003E has updated the \\u003Ca href=\\u0022[message:field-target-nodes:0:url]\\u0022\\u003E[message:field-target-nodes:0:title_field]\\u003C\\/a\\u003E wiki page"
          "value" : "[commons-groups:in-groups-text]",
          "format" : "full_html",
          "safe_value" : "[commons-groups:in-groups-text]"
    "rdf_mapping" : []
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_node_info().
function commons_wikis_node_info() {
  $items = array(
    'wiki' => array(
      'name' => t('Wiki'),
      'base' => 'node_content',
      'description' => t('Create a collaborative document, allowing users to add, delete, or revise content. Provides document version controls.'),
      'has_title' => '1',
      'title_label' => t('Title'),
      'help' => '',
  return $items;