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function commons_bw_generate_group_widget in Drupal Commons 7.3

Generate a renderable group widget.


$group: An optional group node to be used as a tab and views argument.

Return value

array An array in the format expected by drupal_render().

1 call to commons_bw_generate_group_widget()
commons_bw_commons_bw_group_content_type_render in modules/commons/commons_bw/plugins/content_types/
Output function for the '[content_type]' content type.


modules/commons/commons_bw/commons_bw.module, line 430


function commons_bw_generate_group_widget($group = NULL) {

  // Prepare an array of default quicktabs settings.
  $settings = array(
    'style' => 'Commons Pills',
    'ajax' => FALSE,
    'html' => TRUE,

  // Load the browsing widget tab definitions.
  $tabs = commons_bw_get_tab_definitions('group');
  foreach ($tabs as $machine_name => $tab_settings) {

    // Populate the group argument.
    $tabs[$machine_name]['args'] = $group ? $group->nid : 0;

    // Add the result count to the title for 'view' tabs.
    if ($tab_settings['type'] == 'view') {

      // Get the view specified by the tab settings.
      $view = views_get_view($tab_settings['vid']);

      // If the tab specified a view display use it, otherwise the view will be
      // rendered using the default display.
      if (isset($tab_settings['display'])) {

      // If the tab references a group, set it as a tab argument.
      if ($group) {
      $view->display_handler->options['filters']['flagged']['value'] = 'All';
      $view->get_total_rows = TRUE;

      // Append the result count to the tab title.
      $tabs[$machine_name]['title'] = $tabs[$machine_name]['title'] . ' <span class="commons-bw-result-count">' . $view->total_rows . '</span>';

    // Use the current tab as the quicktabs default if the tab settings specify.
    if (!empty($tabs[$machine_name]['default'])) {
      $settings['default_tab'] = $machine_name;
  return quicktabs_build_quicktabs('commons_bw', $settings, $tabs);