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function commons_activity_streams_views_post_execute in Drupal Commons 7.3

Implements hook_views_post_execute().

Emulate message_access because we don't want the row to appear at all if the user does not have access to the node or comment. Node access is included in the view query itself.

Without this function, the user would see a missing rendered entity, but the timestamp would still show.


modules/commons/commons_activity_streams/commons_activity_streams.module, line 296


function commons_activity_streams_views_post_execute(&$view) {
  if ($view->name == 'commons_activity_streams_activity' && isset($view->result)) {
    foreach ($view->result as $key => $msg) {
      if (isset($msg->mid)) {

        // We preempt the message_access on render by doing it now. Doesn't make
        // Two calls because we remove the result if access is false.
        $message = message_load($msg->mid);
        if (isset($message->field_target_comments)) {
          foreach ($message->field_target_comments[LANGUAGE_NONE] as $key => $value) {
            $comment = comment_load($value['target_id']);
            if (!entity_access('view', 'comment', $comment)) {

              // If the user cannot view any nodes or comments in the message,
              // deny access to the entire message;