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function _drupal_commons_theme_option in Drupal Commons 6.2

Format a theme selection option


$theme: The theme system name

$name: The theme full name

Return value

An HTML string to be used as a theme form option

1 call to _drupal_commons_theme_option()
drupal_commons_theme_form in includes/
Provide a form to choose the default theme


includes/, line 299
Contains form-related functions for the installation profile


function _drupal_commons_theme_option($theme, $name) {
  $option = '';
  $option .= "<strong>{$name}</strong>";
  $option .= "<br/>";
  $option .= "<img alt=\"{$name}\" title=\"{$name}\" src=\"./profiles/drupal_commons/themes/{$theme}/screenshot.png\"></img>";
  $option .= "<br/>";
  $option .= "<ul><li><i><a href=\"./profiles/drupal_commons/themes/{$theme}/screenshot_full.png\" target=\"_blank\">" . st('Click to view fullsize') . "</a></i></li></ul>";
  $option .= "<br/>";
  return $option;