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Files in Drupal Commons 7.3

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description modules/commons/commons_groups/plugins/entityreference/selection/
page.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/page/page.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to display a single Drupal page.
panels-pane--block.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/panels/panels-pane--block.tpl.php Adaptivetheme panel pane template.
print.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/print.css /* * @file * Print Styles * This probably needs work, but it's a good starting point. */ /* * Body */ body { width: 100% !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; line-height: 1.4; word-spacing: 1.1pt; …
privatemsg-recipients.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/privatemsg/privatemsg-recipients.tpl.php
privatemsg-view.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/privatemsg/privatemsg-view.tpl.php
rate-template-commons-like.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/commons/rate-template-commons-like.tpl.php Rate widget theme
README.txt modules/commons/commons_events/README.txt See the 7.x-1.x branch.
responsive.custom.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.custom.css /* * responsive.custom.css is for custom media queries that are not set via the * theme settings, such as cascading media queries. * * By default all the other responsive stylesheets used in Adaptivetheme use a * "stacking method",…
responsive.desktop.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.desktop.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.smartphone.landscape.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.smartphone.landscape.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.smartphone.portrait.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.smartphone.portrait.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.tablet.landscape.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.tablet.landscape.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
responsive.tablet.portrait.css themes/commons/commons_origins/css/responsive.tablet.portrait.css /* * Important Information about this CSS File * * - Do not delete or rename this file, if you do not use it leave it blank (delete * everything) and the file will be skipped when you enable Production Mode in * the Global theme settings. …
search-result.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/search/search-result.tpl.php Overrides modules/search/search-result.tpl.php.
search-results--apachesolr-search.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/search/search-results--apachesolr-search.tpl.php Default theme implementation for displaying search results. modules/commons/commons_trusted_contacts/includes/actions/ Action to set the state of a user in a group. modules/commons/commons_trusted_contacts/includes/actions/ Action to set the state of a user in a group.
template.php themes/commons/commons_origins/template.php Process theme data.
three-25-50-25--events.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/panels/three-25-50-25--events.tpl.php Adativetheme implementation to present a Panels layout.
two-33-66--search.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/panels/two-33-66--search.tpl.php Adativetheme implementation to present a Panels layout.
user-profile--search_results.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/profile/user-profile--search_results.tpl.php Adaptivetheme implementation to present all user profile data.
views-view-field--field-address.tpl.php themes/commons/commons_origins/templates/views/views-view-field--field-address.tpl.php This template is used to print a single field in a view.
_README.txt themes/commons/commons_origins/css/_README.txt First read this about SASS, its very important! ----------------------------------------------- There is more information regarding working with SASS in the SASS CSS folder _README, however, you need to be aware that if you set Compass to watch…
_README.txt themes/commons/commons_origins/_README.txt -- SUBTHEME SETUP -- NOTE: if you use Drush you can generate a new subtheme with the adaptivetheme command: drush adaptivetheme "Foobar Theme" foobartheme 1. Copy and paste adaptivetheme_subtheme, it doesn't matter where you place …
_README.txt themes/commons/commons_origins/custom_layouts/_README.txt Example Page Layout Plugin -------------------------- If you are NOT developing a page layout plugin you can safely delete this entire directory from your sub-theme. If you are developing a page layout plugin see the developer notes in AT Core…
_README.txt themes/commons/commons_origins/sass/_README.txt About SASS and Compass ---------------------- This directory includes Sass versions of AT's CSS files. All files use the SCSS syntax. Sass is a language that is just normal CSS plus some extra features, like variables, nested rules, math,…
_README.txt themes/commons/commons_origins/images/_README.txt Non CSS Images -------------- This directory is for images that at are not used in CSS. By default only the touch icons are included here. In short, if your image is loaded using an img or link element the image should be stored here. Included by…


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